Retro Review - X-Men: Children of the Atom

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

It has been quite hard for me during the past week to write something, even though I already had several reviews in mind, since I was playing several games, but I hadn't felt like doing anything, however, today (05-12-2020), after organizing a little what I had in mind to write, I decided it was time to go back to the reviews and this time I plan to publish twice a week as I have been doing regularly. Today's game is about one of the most loved and famous superhero franchises in the industry, having among its lines one of my favorite comic book characters: Wolverine and even though it's a fighting game that I'm slowly improving on, I liked it quite a lot, especially for its aesthetics and artistic style.

That's why today's Retro Review is about: X-Men: Children of the Atom.

Having a more interesting story than the average fighting game, I am a little more interested in what this video game is based on. Usually, I, like hundreds of people never pay attention to the story of a fighting game, but as this is a title based on a comic book and especially on the X-Men, it caught my attention. X-Men: Children of the Atom is based on the comic book: Fatal Attractions, which tells us the already mythical thought of the villain/anti-hero Magneto, who wants to create a world only populated by mutants and to achieve his task he will take care, through his powers, to alter the magnetic fields of the planet, thus causing a total disaster in the world's electrical systems, so he will destroy any object that uses electricity, affecting humanity in the process. Looking at it from a perspective, it's a pretty stupid plan, since in Marvel's universe, there are mutants who have pretty useless powers and just like humans, they too would die before this chaos, in the same way, I think Magneto didn't think his plan through very well, it's pretty stupid and useless, he would even be affected by his own plan. It is the typical plan of total destruction of the world, but well, it was other times, luckily in current comics the villains have better plans. Basically in this is summarized the history of this video game, the X-Men must stop Magneto and his henchmen, which are conformed with the typical enemies of the X-Men and in this way they must save the humanity. Although the story of this game is only based on some things from the comic, it is more interesting than most fighting games.

Without a doubt, the greatest attraction of this video game is its graphic aspect. Not only because it has some of the best characters in the whole Marvel universe, it is because it has a style and art very similar to comics, with that color palette so striking that stands out a lot on the screen and those character designs that overflow with great personality and emit that style so characteristic of the 90s, and also maintains much of the charisma of the animated series of that time, in short it is a visual wonder, and the best Superhero games in terms of graphics, I have played to date.

The character design is wonderful, with quite big sprites so it is possible to visualize the great work of drawing and details that have been made in them, likewise all the characters have a series of high quality animations, with great fluidity of movement, with extra animations that highlight the personality of the character, are those little details that give great personality to a game. Also, the animations that make the characters when they attack, jump or make some special movement, is simply spectacular. The scenarios also enjoy great style, very well defined and decorated, a very worthy and decent recreation of the comic pages.

The tunes of this game, despite being quite "normal", play a very important role in this game, in the gameplay and personality, because along with its graphic aspect make an excellent audio-visual combination, which in itself, the graphic aspect alone, stands out a lot, but together with the sound and its tunes, manage to create a very good game environment. I think this is especially due to the fact that being an X-Men game, I automatically associate it with the 90's animated series, which has one of the best Intro to an animated series in history. What I like the most is that each character has their own musical theme, which manages to represent in an excellent way the character's personality, an aspect that I have always liked in a video game.

Video Author

X-Men: Children of the Atom Ost Playlist

Regarding the gameplay, I think I don't have many things to say and highlight, since I found it to be a pretty typical fighting game with mechanics very similar to previous fighting games I've played. But with the difference that this time you can play with Marvel characters with a wonderful graphic style, which without any doubt is the aspect that gives the highest score to this game.

The game system of X-Men: Children of the Atom is quite good, simple and intuitive, even for a person like me who is not an expert in this genre of video games, I found it quite entertaining to learn how to play with certain characters, although some control themselves better than others and have better skills than others. X-Men: Children of the Atom has a pretty good combos system, and although I haven't been able to get a lot of simultaneous combos right, I've seen videos on YouTube from real experts and they look visually spectacular. This game also has a pretty weird system, which consists of making a big jump, which will take the characters to a great height and they will fight in the air, a system that took me by surprise but is quite interesting.

Otherwise, the typical of a fighting game, each character has his own movements, fighting style, combos and special attacks, we can choose our character in a decent list of character between villains and heroes. The story mode is also very good and each character will have a little scene at the end of the game.

X-Men: Children of the Atom is an excellent fighting game that I recommend playing, especially if you saw the 90's animated series because it manages to capture, in addition to the look of the comic, it manages to capture the whole personality of the animated series. A visually wonderful game, in a few words.

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