Retro Review - WeaponLord

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

Continuing with my increasing experience in fighting games, a few weeks ago I was recommended a game that in terms of mechanics remains in the line of the most classic 1vs1 fighting games I've played so far, with simple but effective mechanics and very easy to learn, but this game has a graphic style and a quite striking atmosphere. These two aspects are the main incentive why I wanted to play it and today I present a small review of this title that until a few weeks ago I didn't know about.

Today's Retro Review is about: WeaponLord.

I've always said that the story in a 1v1 fighting game has never mattered to me, and that's an opinion I still maintain, because who cares about the story in a fighting game when our main goal is to destroy our enemies in 1v1 deathmatch battles? Of course there are many people who are interested in the lore of a lot of this kind of games, especially in the Mortal Kombat saga, but personally, I've never been very interested in it. However, I will make a small introduction to the history of WeaponLord. This game tells the story of how a demon is defeated for not listening to his advisors. For the story of this game begins when on a battlefield, a mercenary who was almost dead, is possessed by the spirit of a powerful demon, giving him such strength that he was able to defeat the king who was ruling at that time and found his own kingdom of evil. Zarak, who now calls himself, founds the kingdom of "DemonLord Zarak" (-10 in originality) and under this empire of power begins to create a great army. However, the bad news for Zarak is about to come, since a shaman makes a prophecy which says that in some village of his kingdom a baby will be born and when he is an adult he will fight a duel against him on the night when the moon is reddish. That will be the night when Zarak will die and that child will become the WeaponLord. But Zarak pays no attention to that prophecy and instead, he waits very calmly and anxiously for 25 years, just in the night when the moon is "bleeding". Ready for the battle to the death, 6 warriors appear ready to fight Zarak. And that's how simple is the story of this game, which is a good justification to set up a 1v1 fight to the death tournament.

WeaponLord presents an "aggressive" graphic style, so to speak, with dark colors and a lot of shading, which is in accordance and fits very well with the aggressive and violent style that this game presents. It is a game entirely in 2D with a large amount of details in its scenarios, from elements that move in the background, as well as elements that remain fixed, but with a level of drawing and design quite outstanding. WeaponLord stands out for having a setting very similar to that of the "Barbarian" era, so both its scenarios and characters present designs inspired by that time in history. It also presents a great variety of scenarios where we will have the most cruel and merciless battles.

The character designs look "wild", "furious" and "aggressive", that is to say, they are the perfect character designs that we will use for battles to the death. The sprites present a relatively large size and they also present a great variety of details in their designs, in their bodies and even in the weapons they can use. WeaponLord is a very violent game, very graphic and with a lot of blood, so visually it is a festival of excessive violence, with streams of blood and viscera, and we can even dismember and decapitate our enemies in final movements. The level of graphic violence of this game surprised me quite a lot.

WeaponLord has a soundtrack according to its plot and style, that is to say, it presents medieval melodies, but with more heavy notes, which makes it a rather dark soundtrack that alludes to the violence and aggressiveness that are present in each battle. There is a lot of use of drums, because what helps to encourage the moments in which we find ourselves in a fight to the death against our enemy. There are several melodies that resemble the "industrial" style, there are even some melodies that remind me of Rammstein, due to that style so characteristic of the German band. The sound effects, in general are good, the blows sound forceful, and the sound of the clash of metal weapons are quite satisfactory.


WeaponLord OST PlayList

WeaponLord is a fairly conventional 1v1 fighting game, with simple and classic mechanics like Street Fighter or other similar games, but despite its simplicity in terms of gameplay, it is still a very entertaining game. Since one of the strong points of this game is its great graphic style, which gives it a great charisma and personality, but I already talked about that in the corresponding section, let's talk a little more about the gameplay.

For some time I have said that I have never been so good at playing this kind of games, but over a few years I have improved, I am still not an expert and it is not my favorite genre of video games, but I have gained enough experience in fighting games, so WeaponLord seemed to me that in terms of gameplay is quite easy, we have 7 characters which, logically, each of them has a different fighting style, but the way in which these 7 warriors are controlled is quite simple and intuitive. We can perform a good set of attack combos, as well as a final move (similar to a Fatality) to end the life of our opponent. In general terms, WeaponLord is a very entertaining and recommendable game, but it has a negative aspect with respect to the gameplay, since this game only has 7 playable characters, and for a fighting game this is a rather small amount.

Each available warrior is in this tournament for one reason or another, ranging from revenge, recognition and glory or simply want to have the ultimate challenge of their lives, and these 6 powerful and bloodthirsty warriors are:

  • Korr:

  • Talazia:

  • Zorn:

  • Divada:

  • Bane:

  • Jen-Tai:

WeaponLord is an excellent game for a person without much experience in 1vs1 fighting games, with simple mechanics, easy to learn and very intuitive, with a very characteristic graphic style and with a high and graphic level of violence.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A very underrated fighting game!