Retro Review - Mystic Warriors

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

After a week of rest I'm back with the reviews and this time with a video game which many people consider as the "spiritual sequel" of Sunset Riders and after having played it, it could really be considered in such a way, since it takes a lot of the aspects of that video game in such a way that it makes it a pretty fun title, that even surpasses Sunset Riders in certain elements.

That's why today's Retro Review is about: Mystic Warriors.

Mystic Warriors: Mystic Warriors: Wrath of the Ninjas or simply Mystic Warriors, tells us the story of an evil company called "Skull Enterprice", through its ninja troops and with military weapons and a large number of attack machines they conquered the entire city of New York, however, the plans of "Skull Enterpice" do not end there, as they intend to conquer the world, thus imparting its power in each of the places on planet earth. But in order to stop the plans of this group of terrorists, a group made up of 5 ninjas appears, who through their excellent fighting skills are going to be in charge of stopping Skull Enterprice. However, before our heroes begin their mission for the salvation of humanity, one of the 5 ninjas is kidnapped, so in addition to stopping Skull Enterprice, we must save our partner.

Mystic Warriors is one of those games that has aged quite well, with a rather striking color palette, very similar to the one seen in Sunset Rider, but even I dare say that in terms of graphic quality Mystic Warriors is a bit better than its "predecessor".

The sprites of the main characters are relatively large, so you can easily appreciate the many details placed on them, especially in the clothes of our characters, since each of them, logically presents a very different design among them, as well as the clothes they have, very well drawn and detailed. We will find enemies of great size, with very original designs and with a quite particular drawing style.

Mystic Warriors is a game full of action from beginning to end, so many times we will have a chaos on the stage due to the large number of enemies on the screen, added to this, we must also take into account the enemy attacks, so the visual and particular effects of explosions, shots and objects flying in the air, make Mystic Warriors a fairly frantic experience.

The scenarios, on the other hand, are the best aspect of this game, with a great level of drawing, full of spectacular details for the most part, but we will also find a little simpler scenarios in which certain patterns are simply repeated almost in their entirety, even so, the level of drawing in the scenarios of Mystic Warrios is outstanding.

The sound is another aspect quite outstanding is Mystic Warriors, since in addition to having the typical melodies of an action game, being a game focused on "ninjas" also has melodies related to this. They even manage to mix action music with "ninja" music, so to speak, and the developers of this excellent game, managed to create quite good tunes and that contribute a lot to the gameplay, since this way the dynamism when playing increases a lot. I have always said that music is very important in videogames and in Mystic Warriors they did an excellent job. On the other hand, the sound effects are also very good and they complement the gameplay and the atmosphere of the game, as well as the voice effects that the characters emit.

Video Author
Fur Q

Mystic Warriors Ost Playlist

Like Sunset Riders, Mystic Warrios is a pretty addictive Run and Gun game, which maintains almost all the mechanics of Sunset Riders, but with some extra elements. Besides being a Run and Gun, Mystic Warriors also has elements of platform game, in which we will move through a side scrolling scenario, and through our throwing ninja weapons or other types of throwing weapons, each one has its own style of attack, we will have to go through a series of scenarios full of enemies, defeating them in order to save our partner and save the world.

In each final phase we will face the typical boss, which is always a challenge to our skills and although Mystic Warriors is not especially a difficult game, it has a degree of difficulty high enough to make it a quite entertaining playable challenge. Compared to Sunset Riders, Mystic Warriors is a much more visual game, that is to say, visually it is much more spectacular due to the great amount of situations that our characters will have to live, there will be many explosions, shots and crazy situations, so the fun is 100% guaranteed..

Mystic Warrios has 5 playable characters, however, as I mentioned at the beginning, one of them is kidnapped, but in every game we start they will kidnap one of them randomly, so we can't always count on playing our favorite character because we won't know if he will be available. Otherwise, each character has a different type of shot, having different powers and speeds, in addition to having melee weapons. As every game of this style has attack powerups and items that improve our character's life bar, as well as items that provide us with a temporary shield, being able to defend ourselves from enemy attacks and the classic massive attack that affects all the enemies on screen.

The Ninjas:

Spyros: Is the leader of the group and can throw Kunais as throwing weapons, besides using a Katana as a melee weapon.

Kaima: Being trained in the theatrical art called "Kabuki", this character attacks using his Shurikens and is able to use his long hair as a melee weapon. This character reminds me of Jiraiya from the Naruto anime, as he can even attack with his hair.

Kojiro: He is a capable samurai who uses Shurikens as a throwing weapon and a short sword or also called "Wakizashi", as a short range weapon... you get it? "short range".

Brad: He's an African-American ninja, who looks like Jazz from "Prince of Belair". He is a Buddhist monk who also uses Shurikens as throwing weapons and his fists as melee attack.

Yuri: The female representation in this video game could not be missing and in this case this character is a Kunoichi, which corresponds to the name given to "ninja women. She is capable of using Kunais as long-range weapons and as a short-range weapon she uses a spear.

Mystic Warrios is a great game, simple as that, it is a title that surpasses its inspiration, Sunset Riders, in many aspects, but because it is such a similar game don't have the esteem and merit that this jewel of video games really deserves.

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