Retro Review - Lester the Unlikely

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

In the industry there are too many video games that are extremely bad, many of them because of one or two factors, but others are because of a combination of factors that only make a product that is so bad that it is not even worth playing it, however, there are many of these games that is thanks to its bad reputation is that they are known and despite all these factors become games that many people want to play only to determine that they really are not worthwhile, or possibly are games that are misjudged, even undervalued. But today's video game is one of the few games that I almost stopped playing because of its poor and badly designed mechanics.

Today's Retro Review is about: Lester the Unlikely.

The story of this game is very direct, a bit ridiculous given the way the character is placed in the place where all the events of the game occur. The main character of the game is, as we have to suppose: Lester, a nerd, "very smart" (although I doubt this), very cowardly, not very athletic and certainly a character that is not the typical "hero" of a game of this style. One day while he was reading a magazine, which was so submerged in its pages that he didn't realize he had arrived at a dock, when he got there and was tired, he got ready to fall asleep VERY INTELLIGENTLY, near the place where one of the boats is loading things to lift them, and Lester, as he is so intelligent, fell asleep on one of the boards which a crane lifted to lift it onto the boat. And as if this wasn't such bad luck for this so atypical protagonist, some pirates attack the ship, steal all the valuable things from the ship and throw Lester into the sea, which now has to swim to the nearest island, where his adventures to survive and the maximum torment for us (the player) will begin.

Unlike many people's opinions, I don't think Lester the Unlikely is so bad in the graphic aspect, although of course, there are some areas where the graphic quality is not so good, but in general terms, this is a game which I think is pretty good in terms of graphic quality and even artistic style. Lester, the main character of the game, presents a relatively big design and with a quite realistic style, even his movements have a certain degree of realism that makes me remember the old Prince of Persian game. Similarly, Lester's design presents details in his clothes that makes it stand out quite a bit, in itself, Lester's design is very basic, he is not a character that in terms of design is very original, since he only wears a pair of jeans, uses glasses and has a gray hoodie, but that hoodie can be seen very good details. A simple design, but that is quite solid.

In the scenarios you can also visualize, in some of them, a good set of details and various designs. From jungles, beaches or cemeteries, each of them has a color palette very suitable for the situation and serve to convey that we are in a video game of the genre "adventure". As well as elements that we can find in these scenarios that serve and help to decorate and create a much more "credible". However, this type of scenarios are repeated many times, often use the same elements and to move forward can become repetitive, in addition, in some scenarios in addition to the graphic quality is quite a decline in quality, also some areas especially in the caves and a few specific parts of the jungle scenario, there are elements that come to visually saturate. But even so, I don't consider Lester the Unlikely to be a bad game visually (it's bad for other reasons), since in this aspect it's very decent.

I don't think the sound aspect of Lester the Unlikely is all bad, however, it's not so good either. In itself, the tunes of this game in terms of stage setting are "good; but they are pretty boring to be directed towards an "adventure and platform" game. Some of them sound very low, others with an adequate volume, but there are also some tunes with a rather bad quality, in general terms, it is quite regular. Only in scenarios like the beach and in the jungle is where there are melodies that could be considered "good" and that together with the stage manage to create a much more decent environment compared to others. The sound effects, are terrible, I have nothing more to say about that.

Lester the Unlikely OST Playlist

Lester the Unlikely is a game that in terms of gameplay can be described as: Frustrating. Being a game of platforms and adventures, anyone can expect some simple control mechanics, but that are fun, however, this game is not. To begin with: Lester is extremely slow and clumsy, never in life had played with a character of this style. He even walks as if he had some kind of motor problem, seriously, it's frustrating, many times the "hit-box" fails when we try to climb over certain places, the jump works as he wants, sometimes he jumps and sometimes not.

However the worst thing of this game is when we lose control of Lester, and is that there will be moments where Lester is scared by some enemy (even scared by a turtle) and in that moment, we lose control of the character and he will run backwards, and to be able to approach the enemy to be able to kick him and eliminate him, we must walk carefully, much slower, so Lester doesn't get scared. Seriously, this system is too stupid and desperate. As I said before the jump of the character is quite bad, but this is even more noticeable in the scenario that looks like a cemetery, because in some areas of the map the ground falls, so we must go jumping in the solid areas, but the jump in this game is so imprecise, that several times I removed the game from the annoyance it caused me. I don't know how many times I died in that scenario, but they were many. The "puzzles" are also bad, they are not at all intuitive and some are too absurd to be solved in the least ingenious ways possible.

This game has one of the worst designs in terms of mechanics that I have ever played, and although it can be given the merit of having a good variety of playable situations, it is due to that bad system of character control and scenario design in general, that it is not worth replaying it after we have finished it.

Lester the Unlikely is a bad game, of which there are very few things that are really good. The end!

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