My Brawl Report no. 8 - HivePizza BrawlReport 11/11/2021

in blurtgaming •  3 years ago 

Ok this intative was kicked off by the one and only @kennysgaminglife and I am hoping not to mess it up to much! This format is also blatantly borrowed from @fireguardian , thanks for sharing your format and approach with me! I am slowly getting better with 4 wins one loss and we placed second place for 1030 merits! Almost enough for a new gladius pack!

I play in sliver so there is a fair few brawls here

Brawl 1 Magic vs Magic

Ok this line up is a bit crazy, as you can see we played almost the exact same set-up expect... Also of his cards a higher than mine, even that summoner is a beast. The good news is I'm doing something right the bad news is I got thrashed and overpower. Big loss on this one


Brawl 2 Fire vs. Death

Ok I went a little bit risky on this one using a high summoner and Magnor plus no heal of affliction. Basically hoping that I can do enough damage before poison gets me! I am also hoping my new favourite gladius gets some blood lust hits and stays ahead of poison. They also have a healer i need to beat.


First-round and I got a bloodlust YAY! but Magnor did not get engaged but hitting so didn't get that sweet blast, however have a good feeling it is going to be mop up from here


And it pretty much was Magnor finish of the last two and the archers take out the healer :)

**Brawl 3 Fire vs. Death **

My opponent went Owester how i did not go any magic so its not going to help much, again I am trying out my favourite gladius archer for some bloodlust and hoping magnor gets nice an enraged to take out that lich. After first round they only have archers left and its quick finish in the second round.

Brawl 4 Earth vs. Earth

So its a not melee rule set so their Mylor is not going help much, I am not seeing much stealth so my Kron should be ok, the main this will be getting enough reflects to take out that healer. Round 1 is just trading blow


Round 1 is just trading blow, round 2 is where the action will be.


With the healer gone and the loss of the from the front reflector my Kron is untouchable and its a victory for me.

Brawl 5 Magic vs. Magic

So interesting rule set, small creatures and no abilties. I always go magic heavy on this, followed by some big health guys. We have almost the same lineup but they went an archer in the second row while I went a kelp tank and really made the difference, archer could not stand up or attack front row and my guys could. Win for me


Hope you have enjoyed my Brawl report! As alway if your join use my referal code, failingforwards, get a spell book and I'll send you a card!

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