My Brawl Report #2

in blurtgaming •  3 years ago 

Ok this initiative was kicked off by the one and only @kennysgaminglife and I am hoping not to mess it up to much! This format is also blatantly borrowed from @fireguardian , thanks for sharing your format and approach with me! I am getting a bit better with 4 wins and 2 losses but I am having to rent it more and more just to keep up because these are teams are tough!

I play in sliver so there is a fair few brawls here

Brawl 1 Earth vs. Earth

Ok so first brawl is a fairly low mana one at 27 with trample and no archers, not too bad a lineup. I went for a Lama and hedged my bets with a flesh golem and Kron, hoping if they go stealth heavy flesh golem will activate. Also put in a little summoner as a tank and try out a new gladius guy. Besides the one little Melle which Kron heal will brush off it is all front attack so I have a good chance for Kron to activate. My only real fear is that front gladius will get a few kills and go on a blood rage ramage.


Ok It worked pretty well my tank held up and I activated blood lust on my little gladius, given he has the opportunity I should be able to get the second bloodlust on the chicken and a third on snaeak due.


Ok round three and I am feeling good, I have with flesh Golem, a triple bloodlust and Kron all of these would work great for last stand plus I have worn down there bloodlust gladius removing so of the threat of the last stand from him. From here it was a easy finish


Brawl 2 Earth vs. Magic

So this time its earth vs. magic, 34 mana no fancy creatures and sniper. Because of that sniper I have put flesh golem in front place as all none melee attacks are going to go for second-row giving a much better chance for his survival . I have also put summoner in second to draw hopefully a lot of magic attacks. I also have a heal to hopefull get flesh golem to hold onto until last stand. I lucked out and they went magic but no wavesmith which is also going to give my gladius a chance for bloodlust.


Second round has gone well, my headhunter and healer snipped out the double hitting archers and we got that nice bloodlust, My flesh golem is sitting health and I am feeling good about it. The stun would be a problem but it won't target my flesh golem due to sniper. THe rest was just grinding down thier health.


Brawl 3 Fire vs. Dragon

So i brought out Yodin this time due to lack of heal. I was lucky and they have gone for a magic defence, which I used none of. I am also hoping an enraged Magnor will burst through that stupid head in a tank. My main risk is that stun. I am also getting to use a new gladius card, with that blast it might become a real beast.


Round 1 was a bit unlucky with a stun on my Magnor and then halving managed to hit even at 5 speed, I got some good blasts in but no kills yet, getting a bit nervouse.


Round 3 and its a race of the archers, really going to be all about who hits first and who misses and they have speed and my blood lust still has not activated. I jsut won by taking out thier archers ajsut a bit fast but only 2 health was in it!


Brawl 4 Magic vs. Magic

Ok so its magic vs magic with blast. I banked on them using magic and went for to magic resistant guys and no shields, risky call. I also went a sneak to try to blast out some back lines. Ultimatly i got a lucky hit from Toro and the balst from both ends wore down their lower health friends for the win


Hope you have enjoyed my Brawl report! As alway if your join use my referal code, failingforwards, get a spell book and I'll send you a card!

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