My Splinterlands Battle With "Spineback Wolf"

in blurtgaming •  3 years ago 

Hello Everyone

How are you? Hopefully, you all are fine and I am also well. Today I am here to share with you a battle I did on Splinterlands using Spineback Wolf.

@Splinterlands hosts a challenge named "Share Your Battle" every week and they give different themes every week. You just need to write a good post according to their theme to get their upvote. Also, you need to share your post link in their comment section and you need to share your battle on other social media platforms. The main intention of splinterlands is to spread splinterlands all over the world. This week's theme is to share a battle you did with "Spineback Wolf".

Spineback Wolf

The Spineback Wolves of Mortis have more defense mechanisms than any wolf should need. The spikes on their backs and necks prevent blind side attacks, their teeth can tear through a Bronk’s rump, and their saliva is a powerful corrosive acid that the Gloridax are still attempting to weaponize.

Stats of Spineback Wolf


Here's The Video

@Splinterlands also asked some questions and let me answer them.

  • In this battle, combat rule was Standard and mana cap was 21. I choose Drake of Arnak as my summoner and then choose Death splinter. Then I choose Haunted Spirit for the first place because it has Heal ability with high damage and speed. Then I placed Spineback Wolf in the second place because of its Reach ability. Then I placed Twisted Jester in the third place because of its Snipe ability with high damage and speed. Then in the last place I placed Haunted Spider because of its high damage.

  • My strategy worked and I won this battle.

  • Spineback Wolf is really a good card at a high level. But at a low level, I think it's a wastage of mana.

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