My Splinterlands Battle "GLORIDAX GUARDIAN"

in blurtgaming •  3 years ago 

Hello Everyone


How are you? Hopefully, you all are fine and I am also well. Today I am here to share with you a battle I did on Splinterlands using GLORIDAX GUARDIAN.

@Splinterlands hosts a challenge named "Share Your Battle Challenge" every week and they give different themes every week. You just need to write a good post according to their theme to get their upvote. Also, you need to share your post link in their comment section and you need to share your battle on other social media platforms. The main intention of splinterlands is to spread splinterlands all over the world. This week's theme is to share a battle you did with "BEATRIX IRONHAND". But I don't have BEATRIX IRONHAND and that's why I am sharing my battle I did with GLORIDAX GUARDIAN.

Here is the stats GLORIDAX GUARDIAN


  • GLORIDAX GUARDIAN is a Legendary Dragon Monster and also a melee card. It costs 6 mana. This is really a useful card. It has 2 melee damage, 2 speed, 2 armors and 6 health at level one. Also it has Reach ability at level one. It has Shield ability from level two and Protect from level four. At maxed level, it has 3 melee damage, 2 speed, 3 armors and 7 health along with Reach, Shield and Protect ability.

Here's my battle I did with GLORIDAX GUARDIAN. Enjoy :)

@Splinterlands also asked some questions and let me answer them.

  • Let me tell you shortly about my lineup.
  • In this battle, the combat rule was Standard and mana cap was 27. I choose Drake of Arnaak as my summoner. Drake of Arnaak is a Rare Dragon Summoner which adds one armor to all the friendly monsters.

First Card


  • Robo-Dragon Knight is a Legendary Dragon Monster and also a melee card. It costs 11 mana which is huge but also useful. It had 3 melee damage, 3 speed, 8 armors and 9 health at level one and also Void and Divine Shield ability. I used this card in the first place because of its high health and armors along with high damage, speed and abilities.

Second Card


  • Gloridax Guardian is a Legendary Dragon Monster and also a melee card. It costs 6 mana. It had 2 melee damage, 2 speed, 2 armors and 6 health at level one. Also it has Reach ability at level one. I used this card in the second place because of its Reach ability and high damage and health.

Third Card


  • Serpentine Spy is a Common Fire Monster and costs 3 mana only. I used this card in the third place for its high damage and speed. Also for its Opportunity ability. I used the level one card and at level one, it has 2 melee damage, 3 speed and 1 health. It's also a risky card for its one health but you know "no risk, no gain". It has Opportunity ability at level one which is literally healpful for all (not for the opponent).

Fourth Card


  • Kobold Miner is a Common Fire Monster and also a melee card. I literally love this card because of its mana cost. It costs only two mana. It has one melee damage, two speed and two health from level one. It also has Sneak ability and that's why I love this card. It costs only two mana. I placed this card in the fourth place because of its Sneak ability and two mana cost. It had 1 melee damage, 2 speed and 2 health during the battle.

Fifth Card


  • In the fifth place, I choose to place Flame Monkey just because I need to one mana to fill up and this monster costs only one mana. This level one Flame Monkey does not have any abilities. It has 2 health and can take 2 attacks and that's why I placed it.

Battle Details

  • The opponent choose Zintar Mortalis as his summoner and placed Bone Golem in the first place. Then he placed Haunted Spirit, Death Elemental, Skeleton Assasin, Twisted Jester and Undead Badger.

  • After ending the first round, the opponent lost his Undead Badger. Also his Bone Golem and Twisted Jester lost some health. My Flame Monkey lost all the armors and Robo-Dragon Knight lost some armors.

  • After ending the second round,opponent's Bone Golem, Death Elemental and Twisted Jester lost some of their health. My Flame Monkey lost one health and Robo-Dragon Knight lost all the armors.

  • After ending the third round, the opponent lost his Bone Golem and Death Elemental and I lost my Flame Monkey.

  • After ending the fourth round, the opponent lost his Twisted Jester. His Haunted Spirit and Skeleton Assasin lost some health. My Robo-Dragon Knight also lost some health.

  • After ending the fifth round, I lost my Robo-Dragon Knight and the opponent lost his Skeleton Assasin.

  • And then after ending the eighth round, finally the opponent lost his last card Haunted Spirit and thus I won this battle.

  • My strategy worked and I won the battle.

  • I love Gloridax Guardian because of it's high damage and health and also for ability.

That's all. Thanks, everyone for reading my blog. If you find my articles/videos helpful/enjoyable, consider following me. And don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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