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This is the place which we call home in this game. When we resume the game after saving it before, we start from this place where we see some awesome gates that take us to each chapter of the game. Here I made my character sit there and there was another online character behind my character.
This is the time when I was getting help from a very big bird to fly from a lower place to a higher place. This one looks epic, right?
After I reached the higher place with the help of the big bird, I gave my character some time to take a rest and my character looked alone there.
Then a real-time player from Korea came beside my character and I offered her friendship which is a fantastic feature of this game with what a player can be friends with other real-time players.
That player accepted my friend's request and then we started taking a rest together where I had some chat with her. I've inquired about her whereabouts and she also asked me some questions.
Then it was time for me to leave her as I wished to go somewhere else to take some cool selfies.
This time, I went to the forest...
There I was with an extraordinary person or thing maybe who came to offer me something although I forgot what the offer was about... but I didn't forget to take a selfie with that creature.
Then I started flying to go inside the inner forest to check if there are any cool things to take a selfie with and I took a selfie as well while I was on the air.
Here I've found a fantastic thing that I knew shouldn't miss out on a selfie. It's actually a soul that upgrades my flying power which is kind of my level. I never tried to take a screenshot like this before.
This is me showing my last selfie from the Sky game for this selfie contest. This is where I was getting so many claps after completing a quest, maybe. It was magical when I was about to reach this place.
About the game:
It's a fantastic fairy tale similar game and I started playing it some days ago on my android phone. This is a very interesting game with a cool storyline and sounds.
Official website of Sky: Children of the Light Game.
Sky: Children of the Light | 2020 Website Trailer.

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