I've been buying up a few odd Splinterlands cards recently, thinking forwards to the Land expansion.
It's already been suggested, as outlined in this summary post by @flauwy of a Splinterlands AMA on Land that there will be some value in staking monsters to land or buildings.
The general idea is that the quality of a monster staked to a plot of land or building will give you a better chance of producing a higher quality item from that land.
In the above post @flauwy speculates that the 'older' and higher the level of card type staked, the more chance of crafting a higher valuable item - hence a gold aplha legendary is going to give you a much better chance of crafting a super spell compared to a regular reward card.
Of course all of this is speculation on @flauwy's part, but I think he's thinking along the right lines - and personally I'd take his line of reasoning a bit further, based on the fact that @aggroed is quite possibly going to use this Land expansion to increase the value of already existing cards, and I've got a purely speculative theory of how this might be achieved - through linking the quality of item you can craft to the level of the monster staked, but doing this in a non-linear way....
Non-Linear linking of the item quality/ amount to the monster
It would be a relatively simply matter to link the level of monster to an increased output, for example, you might have the following
- LEVEL 1 legendary monster has a 10/1000 chance of producing a spell each day
- LEVEL 2 legendary monster has a 21/1000 chance of producing a spell each day
- LEVEL 3 legendary monster has an 45/ 1000 chance of producing a spell every day
- LEVEL 4 legendary monster has a 110/ 1000 chance of producing a spell every day.
Alternatively you might make it so ONLY a level 4 monster can produce a certain type of spell - so a level 4 would be able to create a 'cleanse all spell' which would be super useful, while a level one might only be able to produce a 'heal one monster' spell, or something like that.
Why a non-linear staking model?
My thinking about the non-linear linking is that this would encourage more people to max out more cards, hence burning more cards and increasing the value.
At the moment it really is NOT worth maxing out many cards, UNLESS you are competing for a T50 slot in Champions league, otherwise it's just not worth 'doubling up' to get just plus one health in many cases.
More over, there are many many cards which we simply don't play most of the time, and land could be a great way of getting people to max out those and stake them for an ever increasing chance of producing better items.
This could be an interesting market
IF this happens, then the market for monsters and land could be really interesting... as people try to balance the optimum level of monsters to land!
'Crap' Cards I've maxed in the last few weeks speculating on a non-linear card-land stake theory....
I started off with the Beta legendaries...
I bought a maxed Frost Giant and Chromatic Dragon and L3 angel, and I finally maxed out my Unicorn too.
I now have at least one spare infrequently used maxed legendary per splinter for land-staking.
Then I had a look at some Epics, didn't like the prices so skipped to rares which seemed much better, but here I focused on Untamed...
Here I didn't buy the very cheapest - I've bought quite a few Truth Speakers and Elven Mystics (I actually really like both of these cards anyway), and I'm only a few off having a second maxed version of each, again for staking to land - these are undervalued IMO anyway, so I've no problem buying them.
Finally, I've been snapping up the cheap reward cards every now and then - they probably won't be the most valuable in staking to land, but one may as well have sufficient to fill up the plots
All of this is pure speculation
It's just a theory this, I may be wrong, but I have this feeling we'll all need a second set of cards to stake to land to make land work for us - and the better the cards, the more land will work!
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