so I make fun of him
Yes i see your making fun ,.. but of him ? .. sorry , don't see that ,. i can say about anyone they suck and are a dump provoking troll ,.but without stating a clear case , your just saying nothing ,.. again .
Well , at least you made some fun ,.. did you "had" any ? ,. fun ? ,.. when you made some ?
He has a clear case? He's a scummy little troll... Did you see the post with the audio files? What a low life POS!!!
Yes,I will meme him to hell...
I did see it yes ,.. a threat was done yes ,.. nothing released yet do .
It was done after a call to boycott and avoid someone ,.. from the position as a top witness .
So done in reaction to a other low scummy deed and breaking of trust .
And still ,.. no tapes are released ,.. only a threat do do so ,..
probably only meant to provoke a reaction , and never really meant do ever do .
As i would not even have reacted if this was threatened to me ,.. as i know , i speak truth the same where ever i am or with who i am speaking . Bring it on , and hear the same principles , the same person ,.. if you think that that will make a difference .
LOL ,.. it's probably the reason mo one will ever threaten me with something silly like that .