ZERO BUSH NEWS - IEA Warns of NatGas crisis if Russia Cuts Supplies...('ya don't say!')

in blurtfunny •  2 years ago 

Natural gas stockpiles in Europe are plentiful, mostly because it's summer and the fact that many industries have just given up, means it's exceeding the five-year average for this time of year, allowing for a feel good report to mask over the deep doo-doo that Europe is really in.

The Illusory Energy Agency said that the blowing up of the Russian pipeline would not affect supplies of gas to Europe, explaining that the laws of supply and demand don't apply when using MMT theory, or when the US security agencies threaten kill all of your family if you don't decide write something really nice.

The continent's storage is poised to reach full capacity earlier than anticipated, providing governments and companies with reassurance that last year's energy crisis may be unlikely to repeat, and will be far, far worse.

A new report however, cautions that the threat of a severe winter and European politicians acting like complete morons in regards to Russia, there might be negative effects on future supplies.

The IEA - or The Illusory Energy Agency, wrote in a report Monday :
"While true market fundamentals have ceased to exist for some time, our false statistics say that things have significantly eased since the start of 2023, and the European Union is well on track to fill up its storage sites to 95% of working capacity, but full storage sites are no guarantee against winter volatility, or Putin just saying 'fuck ooooffffff..."

Before the Ukraine invasion, Russia was the leading supplier of petroleum oils and NatGas to the EU, but the need to cover over rampant corruption in Washington, along with the collapse of the US dollar, it meant that common sense, trade and commerce idea, went right out of the window.

A major diversification of suppliers has been underway ever since, according to think tank Bruegel.
They claim to have sourced up to an extra 37 barrels of oil per month so far, with the possibility of increasing that to nearly 50 barrels over the next year.
So everything is fine.

on fire.gif

Morgan Stanley said dwindling NatGas supplies from Russia means the EU is more reliant on not just LNG exports from abroad but also domestic renewable energy such as windmills that do jack shit, and solar panels that do even less than jack shit.
So everything is fine.

The IEA - The Illusory Energy Agency also noted a scenario where there is a warm winter, and LNG flows remain close to last year's highs, saying "We can then pretend that storage sites would end the heating season with inventory levels above 50 percent of capacity- even without Russian piped gas. So everything is just fine.."

"Continued structural gas demand reductions" such as the forced culling of the population, or voluntary starvation and more jibby jabby's (along with energy-efficient heat pumps obviously), will a secure gas balance for the 2023/24 winter," adding,
"After spending over 30 billion on research, we've found that there's overwhelming evidence to suggest corpses need less than 0.2% of energy intake, than that of non-corpses.


Living people - or death avoidant anti-collectivists -account for as much energy intake as nearly 45 days of EU bureaucrats, private jet plane, use.

One pro death, collectivist activist, called Keren Nimby , told us:

"While we can live without those people who grow our food for us, a life without the bureaucrats bending us over every day and using us -with no lube - that's just unbearable! "


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