Breaking news !.... Fun and Fractals - Principles remain the same, only the terrain changes

in blurtfunny •  2 years ago  (edited)

If you are easily offended by humor, and have an ego the size of the empire state building while at the same time, being as brittle as an egg shell, you may wish to stop reading. Or not, depending upon your desire to become a bigger person than oyu was yesterday.

I don't mind either way.


They say a picture can paint a thousand words, but why stop there?
Surely then, by adding some words to it, you can get an even better picture?
Lets see...


The state of the internet.

There was a gathering of the social media platforms in Vilnius recently, where all the larger companies met up for a discussion concerning internet freedom on their platforms.

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Odysee, Rumple and Bitchute all agreed that Miss Alotta Freedom was looking very sexy and they couldn't seem to get enough of her charms.


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Facebook , Instagram, and Youtube were whining that freedom of speech was dangerous to freedom, and thought the best way to promote freedom of speech, was to restrict it, citing zero examples in the entire history of media censorship ever being enacted by non tyrants, stating 'this time it's different', as proof.

Gab, Twitter and Minds just laughed at the ridiculousness of their statement, while Medium giggled nervously, due to the sound of hypocrisy noises emitting from their nether regions.

Subtacks, and Patreon were having an absolutely great time, and it was even rumored that there might be some girl girl action later on at the after party, (but Miss Gab would not be attending, for religious reasons. Buy me a coffee liked the idea, but was a little frightened of social approval, so declined the after party invite).

DPoS wasn't having a good time at all.

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Some say the invite was designed to humiliate them, but seeing as Reddit never got an invite either, this seemed unlikely - as you could hardly find a better target of ridicule than Reddit.

DPoS was totally ignored by all the other internet social media companies with no one seemingly want to chat to them, causing DPoS to wander around aimlessly looking for free stuff.

Miss Alotta Freedom did mention to reporters that DPoS did have a lot of potential, but oligarchs with brittle ego's, echo chambers, very low standards, down voting, and censorship of front-ends, prevented them from ever really joining the club.

"I mean," She told reporters "If you ever want me at your party, you'd better be offering me something a lot more valuable than a comfortable collective and people that are scared of their own shadows.
Its just not the way I roll I'm afraid," She said, adding, " Although I do have my suspicions that I might be doing a fair bit of rolling around at the after party. Mr Rumble, and Mr Bitchute are so, to my needs, shall we say," Giggling.

Mr DPoS was not impressed with Alotta Freedom, saying that hurting people feelings is not big or clever, and the best way for open discourse to occur, is to stop people talking to each other.

"Social fairness is an actual thing, you know, " Said Mr DPoS, " And the very fact we can't define what that actually means, it makes it the perfect one liner to sound clever, while not actually being clever at the same time," Adding, "This kinda of logic runs right through the entire DPoS ethos, but the main internet social media companies just don't get it."

Due to the lack of any charisma or interesting stories from DPoS, reporters made their excuses and went off to talk to more interesting social media companies instead, with DPoS shouting after them "And I'm a vegan!"

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In tomorrows report, we take a closer look at DPoS and look at the startling similarities to the social media meeting at Vilnius.
Unfortunately Miss Alotta Freedom will not be attending any DPoS meeting, declining the invite that we gave her, asking her to join us.
Speaking at the press conference She said, ' I can't bloody walk, after last nights party' as being the reason.

Everybody laughed at the honest of Alotta freeodm, except for DPoS.
It appears that they do not have a sense of humor department as all the other platforms do - this is due to racism, misogyny, veganism and feelings of butt hurtedness whenever sexy little Miss Humor, makes an appearance.

In recent study that covered over 3 billion of the worlds population 'Interacting with people with a sense of humor' was the number one reason for all females joining any social media platform.


Part 2 coming up ...

Principles remain the same, only the terrain changes.

But seriously....

Understanding the nature of fractals - repeatable and observable patterns operating at different scales - is an important skill to learn when undergoing 'KYP' and 'CYH' therapy.

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