Thoughts in gif - before winter arrived (and a video !)...Winter IS coming - unless something changes...

in blurtfunny •  2 years ago 

The feeling I had coming to Blurt....10 months ago.


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The feeling I have today....

Working as hard as fuck to keep Blurt on it's tracks - in spite of insecure liberal retards doing everything possible to fuck it up...I'm a tryin'..!

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....And this is how I see blurt liberals selling free speech - while not wanting it all - just in case reality destroys their fragile minds....
(we'll pretend to play, but not really -it might hurt !)...

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AND how I see blurts future ...

IF.... the ego's of the psychological weaklings are allowed to gain ascendancy and are able decide that there is no longer any public forum in which to debate, by looking through the lens of 'woke liberal ideology'...

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....if they don't sort their shit out - and pretty damn quickly (imo)....

Blurts reputation is draining away - almost by the hour...and as for getting it back ?... Well - it's a thousand times harder to do than losing it in the first place...

A re-edited video of mine from the past....

'...Principles remain the same, only the terrain changes...'

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The blurt train CAN be put back on track - and quickly.
...But not while the emotionally driven, butthrut liberals, with more ego than intelligence, are allowed to go unchallenged in the quest to avoid any nasty, wasty, hurty, wurty, fweels.

....You know.....

...the very things that would make them grow up and not be the fragile little snowflakes that they are right now....bless..

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offgrid muted me (as you know). He seems to like unmuting too. Wonder if he's realised I muted him back yet. Probably


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hmmm ,.. odd ,.. just odd ,..

Like tekraze wasn't joking when he wrote this to me ,..

Just think once, take time then answer these questions.
To me it doesn't matter, if you answer these or not, but to the community it may matter.

You gotta love how megadrive gave tekraze a big uppy for his last comment to me ,..
But how they do not react to the points i question in my reply to it .

Anyways ,.. that weasel offgrid i don't trust a bit ,.. would be good if he dropped all tag's with Blurt ,.. like blurtmusic , blurtbot and so on ,.. it paint's a wrong picture , as he is not a representation or official part of the platform ,.. this can confuse people ,.. and even make them leave when they find out ,.. it's just a biased narcissist on a greed trip ,.. scared to loose it's gain , .. following any narrative most profitable to him .

Just keep him muted ,.. ;-)

Posted from

Yeh and now he's reading my comments, upvoting them so I know he's reading them (see above) and unmuting me to upvote posts. Very strange behavior indeed. It's lke some sort of creepy power trip yup. Yeh am not unmuting him. He can stay gone. Muting is serious stuff, he is trying to play with peoples heads. He picked the wrong head. What if I was a snowflake!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But how they do not react to the points i question in my reply to it .

....buttercups are fragile. Anything that questions their fragile view of the world, they ignore. The psychological pain of reality is too scary...

Anyways ,.. that weasel offgrid i don't trust a bit
it's just a biased narcissist on a greed trip

Penguin opens an eye.....

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He holds many accounts starting with Blurt ,.. blurtmusic , blurtphoto , blurtlove , blurtbot and probably many more ,. witch he uses to self upvote ( it's how he made enough to buy a car ) and to dominate , dictate and oppress narratives he doesn't like .

He probably realized that i could see true his network of accounts by looking at all on-official blurt tag accounts that muted me ,.. funny how thy all unmuted me at the same time .

Now think about new users that make music , art or photography under a narrative this prick doesn't like ,.. and all kind of blurt tag's start to mute this users content ,.. i don't think this new user will feel very welcome to blurt ,. not knowing about this midwit dictator would make me leave in the end , for i would not stay in a place like that .

So yes ,.. open your eyes ,.. someone is eating the fish ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are the gifmaster!
Well at least it looks better than Steemit...

Positive thought for the day...

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I liked the rumble vid, cool.

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Oh shit I left you a nice comment. BAD
How to fix that?
oh yeh
There that'll do

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

cool !

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