RE: Reasons why I'm backing Trump for 2024, on Blurt !

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Reasons why I'm backing Trump for 2024, on Blurt !

in blurtfunny •  6 months ago 

Chump is just another puppet but pissing off woketards is always valid!

Here in NZ we have our own Chump and he is sort of in power now which is good for a laugh:


At last we now have a new "government" and the horse faced tranny and it's pet muppet, Gimpkins, are both over and out.

The new "government" is supposedly led by Christopher Luxton (National) but it's a coalition between the National, ACT, & NZ First parties, and in reality the politician with the upper hand in that is Winston Peters (NZ First) who is smarter that the other two coalition leaders and now enjoying his position of power and is milking them for all they are worth.

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  ·  6 months ago  ·  

.........but pissing off woketards is always valid!

it never gets boring, does it ? lol

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