Awesome Food On The Blurt Blockchain " Delicous Baked Vital Roll And A Perfect Egg Rice "

in blurtfood •  2 years ago 

Hello dear Blurt Community


Eating Like God In Asia

It's very cold here again, so I ordered another sushi.
Tactically, I usually order a warm dish to go with it.
Usually something simple like the noodles a few days ago or egg rice with chicken today.


Of course, it's also available fully vegan or with tofu or even duck.
The price has made a huge leap today.
The duck has gone up from 3.20 euros to 5.20 euros.


My chicken was still available for 90 cents extra for me and a little later for 2.5 euros.
While waiting, I refreshed the page and noticed the price increase about 30 minutes after my order.
Before I get to the egg rice, I'll tell you the price here: 17.80 euros for everything together, including the sushi.


The sushi will be in tomorrow's post anyway.
And there were 2 extras, one Miso soup and one of these fat baked Vital rolls.
Filled with cream cheese, shitake mushrooms, peppers and cucumber.
This together with the miso soup is a wonderful starter.

The egg ice cream is super tasty and even has edamame beans in it.
Delicious and healthy.
I only ate half of the portion, the rest is for dinner and the sushi is for lunch tomorrow.


If you want to know what happens here tomorrow then you should

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