The Kalai Bread is so Peppery but delicious.

in blurtfood •  2 years ago 

This is winter season, as there is always a cold weather around us so people want to have some hot tea, coffee or something they like to drink but in here most people like to eat a dish that name is Kalai Bread. And people don’t like it in a luxurious or expensive restaurant, they like it in a small road side stall. About every kind of person go there to eat that food. Some friends go there together, people who work in a field or the farmers and so on. When people leave that place after eating, they carry some of the breads for their family, wife, son etc. Every kind of person likes that.




The Kalai Bread is made from a crop name Kalai. First they break the crop with machine and make that crop into flour, with that flour they mix the normal white flour and also some water, then they mix that with hand. After that they make the fresh bread with that mixed flour and heat them in a stove that is made with soil. That take much time to heat that bread and after all of that it is prepared for eating. And now is the main attraction, to eat that bread they prepared some extreme peppery mixer that made with red or green pepper, some onion, paste of mustard and also mustard oil and finally some beetle salt. People enjoy it very much but I cannot take that much hot thing, I just had some bread and ate that with very difficultly. I saw there every single person was eating about two and half piece of bread, the bread is so large not like regular bred that we eat in our home. People came from very far to eat that bread in that place. After ordering that thing we had to wait about 15 minutes or more because there were a lot of customers waiting before us.

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