Autumn 2021: Macrolepiota mastoidea

in blurtfood •  3 years ago 







EN: In the beginning of December I visited a special forest where I usually used to pick chanterelles & black trumpets in late autumn. I didn't find any this time. This year in Croatia was terrible for mushrooms growth cause of low temperatures in May and long drought during the summer. But! Unbelievably! Today I found these sort of parasol mushrooms which I have never before found anywhere this late autumn in my more than 10 years long mushroom picker "carrier". Incredible!

CRO: Početkom mjeseca prosinca sam posjetio posebnu šumu u kojoj u kasnu jesen obično berem lisičarke i mrke trube. Ovaj put nisam našao ni jednu. Ova godina je bila užasna za gljive zbog niskih temperatura u svibnju i duge ljetne suše. Ali! Za ne povjerovat'! Danas sam našao ovu vrstu sunčanica koje nisam nikad i nigdje našao u ovako kasnu jesen u mojoj više od 10 godina dugoj gljivarskoj karijeri! Nevjerojatno!

#gljive #croatiafulloflife #croatiafullofmagic #croatiaheavenonearth #croatiafullofopportunities

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