Daily fitness check

in blurtfitness •  2 years ago 

Hello guys, how are we today? Hope you are staying healthy out there.

Alot of people get too busy and never have time for themselves, they eat what ever comes there way not minding its nutritional values, etc.

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Personally, I have heard alot of people say:

Your Health is your Wealth

This is a statement that cannot be debated because even the Holy Bible says:

A living dog is more valuable than a dead Lion (Eccl. 9vs4)

It has being part of my daily routine for sometime now to check and probably work on my health.

At 76kg, the goal is to make a daily 6000 steps, consume at least 2300ml of water.


Today's Accomplishment

Total steps taken: 24,766


Total water intake: 2,400 ml


Never ignore your health because it is your wealth

Keep Fit.

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