
in blurtfilm •  3 years ago 

Fluffies live in a fairy-tale world full of magic. These are cute animals that amuse children and protect their dreams. Melina is a beautiful princess with a sparkling crown and shiny fur. Lady Lulu and Lexi are animals with beautiful long hair. Issy and Sony are creatures with funny colored ears. The Fluffies constantly get into different adventures and ridiculous situations when they try to surprise Princess Melina for the holiday, return the lost good dreams, uncover the mystery of the mysterious footprints in the forest and save the flower crown. And along the way they meet new friends: Bree the Bee, Paola the Peacock, Tilly the Tiger and Ulu the Unicorn. More fun together!

A source: https://oll.tv/ru/kids/ivi/516219-pushastiki

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