Looking for treasure with free diving under the sea... finding... losing... and stealing again!

in blurtfilm •  2 years ago 

Searching for treasure by free diving under the sea...

Finding the treasure that others lost centuries ago and then losing it immediately after the legal powers seized it are moments of luck and misfortune.

Is it theft to steal from others the treasure you have found yourself? Taking money you find on the road is theft, but finding money on the beach with a detector is not. Strange moments and questions of life...

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53 times going to Paris and never going up the Eiffel Tower!

105 minutes!

First half 45 minutes + 15 minutes half time + second half 45 minutes and 105 minutes in total, I told you!

Standing for over 100 years, some of the security measures inside a historic and vital building are as old and outdated as the building itself.

Do men who are geniuses in their own fields need illegal jobs? It is as illegal as robbing a bank, whereas today all you need to rob a bank is a keyboard and a mouse.

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We know the 2010 World Cup success of Spain. I remember Iniesta's goal as clearly as if it had been scored yesterday. The choice of the World Cup final as camouflage for the bank robbery and its aftermath is an interesting and potentially successful attempt.

The 2021 Spanish movie Way Down is solely responsible for the above confusion. When the complex pieces are put together one by one, you will see the big picture of the puzzle and for the big picture you need to watch the movie Way Down.

How do I know that? Because I watched it.

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When I want to add a little action and mystery to my life, I always watch, and instead of peeping out of windows and balconies and gossiping about their private lives, let's watch... but movies!

I've always loved combining fiction with reality. I have also appreciated the productions that combine them. Watch Way Down to see how the 2010 World Cup final helped a heist. It is difficult to punish the masses, even impossible when the masses are made up of larger parts.

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Today every lost treasure is like prey waiting to be found. And whoever finds the treasure is also the owner of the treasure? If you have the necessary permits, you share it with the state, if you don't have permits, there is no difference between finding and taking the treasure and stealing the treasure... And both are theft... but to whom and according to what is also important.

Maybe not according to me, maybe not according to you, but ....

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