🌿True Love. (Leaf ART) 🌿

in blurtfilipino •  4 years ago 


hello friends how are you all. I will share withBl you my Leaf art with a story on Love.

True love

Your constant question to yourself is Why Can't You Find True Love? 😊

How do you find it, if you try to find it in the wrong people? 😊

How can you find it if you are trying to find it in someone who is not destined for you? 😊

Brother? I tell You that true Love will never depend on you ..
love that can never make you cry.😊

Because true love is willing to Sacrifice only for salvation. Love to sacrifice for your sake. 😊

And if you are ready right Know its true meaning .. I want you to open your heart and let it be filled with every word I release.😊

let true love envelop you in every truth you hear. 😊

True love does not need to be sought..no need to search and need not be forced because it has been given for you for a long time, for us. 😊

this is the love that tells you, "dear, he is not the person I intended for you." 😊

Love that said to you, "dear, I do not want to hurt you so I try to separate you." 😊

but at those times you let him go .. you tried to turn your back on him and not listen for someone you thought would give you real pleasure.😊

But why are you hurting now? Why are your tears constantly falling? 😊

Why are you alone now? Why is the only thing that hugs you now is the very arms you let go of him. 😊

Why are you now asking yourself where he really is? He tries to smile and tells himself he will come back to you too.

You try to focus your love and attention on him. He did nothing but hurt and beat you up.😊

You try to focus your heart on him And your hours in the hope that he will love you again.😊

You focus your whole being on the person behind you. And forget that there is real love..really love that has long given you its true meaning.😊

this is the love that became incarnate. love that never changes. Love no one can defeat. This is the love that died for you

Love that said, "dear, I have not finished the story of your life." 😊

Love who said, "I will not end your story in a situation like this. A situation where you are experiencing pain and suffering." 😊

Beloved who said, "The story of your life will only end when I know you are ready to enter my kingdom." 😊

this is the true love I have for you. Love willing to give only to humanity.

Love that you are willing to accept and not judge your personality based only on your past. 😊

Love that said, "dear, you do not even realize how much I love you at this time .. I want you to know that the love I have for you will not change and I am willing to wait no matter how long the day I have been waiting for has come. 😊

This is the day you will realize my love for you. A day when you can reciprocate the love you once denied in the past

Dear, I am very happy ..

I am happy that every word I say touches your heart. That at these times you are gradually clarifying the true meaning of my true love.😊

True love without end..Love you may feel this simple letter.😊

I know this is not so good since this is my first time to create a spoken words but I hope these 'spoken words touch your heart.



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