Have a wonderful day!
I would like to share how I made a Filipino soup from the organic vegetables in my garden. Imagine, how I made this thing possible in the middle of the desert land. The tiny space I cultivated for vegetables and other part is for the flowers.
Today I harvested some of the leafy greens spinach and I cooked it with fish.
Five kinds of leafy vegetables*
malunggay (moringa)
lemon grass
The recipe is called Nilaw-oy!
The recipe of the poor people
5 kinds leafy vegetables
How to cook it?
Boil a clean water and there is no oil at all.
Add onions and lemon-grass and ginger.
Add fish and salt to taste.
Adding the moringa leaves.
The final ready to eat Filipino Soup
When I was young, my family ate this food even without fish. Our bones became stronger and made us grew. I missed my lifestyle in my homeland and of course, my family.
I'm living in a city but I won't forget my hobby in farming. I never change my lifestyle. So, I encourage you to plant and have organic food everyday. This kind of recipe has a rich benefits to our body.
Know about moringa
When you plant, you also help the mother earth. That's it and enjoy the harvest.
Thank you everyone!
A Filipino Overseas Worker and a member of @blurtfilipino community
Really! So lucky me here that I have it because I planted . Thank you.
fresh and organic Nay! kalami!!
Sobrang lami ang sabaw.
Nakoooowww LAW-OY is life for me when I'm in the Philippines, I can eat law-on 3 times a day 7days a week. You can not tempt me to eat your delicious menus if you include law-on on the table never lol.
It's just like, "I ate all kinds of Banana but Saging is the best."
@g10a at your service
The same way with you, @g10a. Our life in the province was unforgettable experienced.