Pinoy Kantahan Singing Contest - Season 1 (WEEK 3 Result)

in blurtfilipino •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hi, BlurtPamilya!

It's the conclusion of week 3 of this singing contest. Sorry for the delay. We have 11 entries from our awesome members of the BlurtFilipino community.

For this contest, I will be the judge and the criteria are as follows:

Criteria for Judging!

  • Audience Impact: 30% --- (measured by the number of voters and comments)
  • Creativity: 30% (Inclusion of video or any artistic/aesthetic factor)
  • Clarity: 30% (Clear voice, background and soundtrack)
  • Format and layout: 10% (Post formatting, Title, etc)

Week 3 Result

The Winner for Week 3 is @me2selah!

  • She sang a song famous OPM song by a famous Filipino OPM artist and international star, Lea Salonga.
  • She wrote her post in Filipino.
  • She sang it with clarity, wonderful voice and with perfect emotion, the audience feel her love and inspiration in singing the song, you know this is quite personal and could be her song for her husband.
  • She made more effort to make a Youtube post and placed a picture of her and her husband in the thumbnail.
  • Here's the winning song for Week 3: Bakit Labis Kitang Mahal | Ang Aking Entry Para Sa Ikatatlong Linggo ng Paligsahan sa Pagkanta ng Blurtfilipino Community

    Here is the video:

    Congratulations, @me2selah!!!

    You may also listen to the other entries and still vote them if you haven't already: (11 other entries)

    Pinoy Kantahan Singing Contest Season 1 - Week 3 (1st Entry) | Rey Valera's MAGING SINO KA MAN Cover

    Pinoy Kantahan Singing Contest Season 1 - Week 3 (2nd Entry) | Gary Valenciano's "NATUTULOG BA ANG DIOS" Cover

    Pinoy Kantahan @blurtfilipino "Lupa"

    "Dandansoy" Aking Lahok Para Sa Week 3: Song Contest

    All this Time | Song Cover by me2selah

    Bakit Labis Kitang Mahal | Ang Aking Entry Para Sa Ikatatlong Linggo ng Paligsahan sa Pagkanta ng Blurtfilipino Community

    My Entry for "Pinoy Kantahan Singing Contest- Season 1" Week 3 - (Parokya ni Edgar - Halaga) Cover

    Third Week: Blurtfilipino Singing Contest First Entry

    My Second Entry: BlurtFilipino Singing Contest Week #3- Sa Aking Pag Iisa(cover)

    Woche 3: Mein erster Beitrag zum OPM Kantahan Contest _ "Gulong Ng Palad" Week 3: My First Entry for OPM Kantahan Contest _ "Gulong Ng Palad"

    My 2nd Entry for Filipino Kantahan Contest, Week 3

    Those who are interested to join, week 4 is open until Wednesday, February 24, 2018. Please don't hesitate to join!

    Original Contest Link is here: Pinoy Kantahan Singing Contest - Season 1

    Thank you for the support to the @blurtfilipino community here in Blurt, you are all appreciated. See you here in Blurt, keep blurting!


    credits to @gremayo for the #blurtfilipino banner

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      ·  3 years ago  ·  

    Thank you so much!!!!

    Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account,
    You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord.Don't wait to join ,lots of good stuff happening there.

      ·  3 years ago  ·  

    Parang original yong kanta eh., kagaling talaga manganta.

    Prices sent. Thank you very much!


    Salamat sa pablurt.

    Congratulations @me2selah