The Frontliners Are Not Your Enemies

in blurtfilipino •  3 years ago 


We received a notification from our doctor, who is incharged with the diagnostics and testing, that one of our LSIs (Locally Stranded Individuals) tested positive of COVID-19. It was around 8:00PM, we just got back in the isolation facility, from discharging and transfering patients to their barangays for endorsement and completion of quarantine. I was so exhausted, I haven't had my dinner yet.

But since the results are already out it means that I have to call them immediately, so they will be informed that they tested positive and that they need to prepare for transfer from quarantine facility to the isolation unit.

This case is very remarkable to me. They are a family of 3, the couple and their son who is about 1-2 years old. The wife tested positive first, she was transferred to the isolation facility while the 2 remained in the quarantine area while their result is still pending. There are times when laboratory would inform us that they need to rerun certain specimen sample if the result is inconclusive.

When the husband's result came out that night, he was positive too, but their son is negative. I told the husband that we can make some arrangements. I gave them options, we will allow the kid to be on home isolation or they will all just stay together. Husband told me to just call his wife, whatever decision she will make, that would be his decision too.

I called the wife, with our usual comforting and therapeutic voice, despite the hunger, exhaustion and whatever emotional feeling that we're experiencing at the moment. I explained to her their options, and I can sense that she was sort of 'not in a good mood' the moment she received the call. I tried to ignore the tone of voice, and just continue explaining and answering her questions. After all her concerns were addressed, I then asked if what would be their decision with their son? And she answered, 'Iguupod nala ha amun, kay bangin pa iton niyo igpositive'. ('Isasama nalang namin kase baka ipositive nyo pa yan')

I was stunned for a moment.

I was kinda used to denial, anxiety, crying, lots and lots of questioning whenever patients turned positive, and that's okay, we understand them, we talk to them until they fully grasp everything, until they calm down, until they realized that they're okay, and they're not going to die. Its our job to ensure that all their questions are answered. But this was different. Its an accussation. I couldn't let it pass.

I was calm. I started explaining the whole process from their arrival, to the facility, services, the food (that time it was still free), the frontliners, the swabbing, the laboratories, everything. I wanted to make her understand that we don't gain anything from all these. That all the money is going out, and the funds are starting to get depleted already because the LGU shoulders everything.

No patient spends money for the gasoline during transfers, or pay for their room, or charge them the PPEs that the frontliners use, or their RT-PCR, which cost about 6,000PHP that time.

The frontliners don't gain any single cent from all these. Do not direct your anger towards them. They lack sleep, they're exhausted and they barely get to eat. The facilities lacks manpower right now, the employees resigned either because of fear since its too risky, or they went abroad because the compensation here is too low and its not even enough to cover the medical costs in case they get infected and they become critically ill. They are dividing their time so they can attend to everything, finish all the tasks. They try to find a way to help you despite the limited resources. They don't get to see or be with their families like you do. They are constantly on quarantine. The mental torture of being exposed everyday. Its just a matter of time, and they will be one of the confirmed cases too. They are not okay while they make sure you are okay.

I don't know what else to say, so people would believe the facts and not just on what they just saw or read on Facebook written or posted by an unknown account.

Medical professionals don't FAKE your test results. If you know someone, you report them. Pin point a specific person, do not generalize everyone. Help us end this misconcepcion. It should be us against the virus, not against each other.

We are not your enemies.

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