Arts and Crafts - Pistachio Shells

in blurtfilipino •  3 years ago  (edited)


After my first post, Blurt server is in maintainace, im glad after sometimes, it became ok, thanks for the effort and support of our Blurt Devs,

Let's Start

Don't Throw It

Do you love pistacio? Pistachio is one of my favorite snack it came from cashew family which is plenty in some part here in the Philippines, beside to its delecious taste, did you know that there is alot of benefits eating a pistachio?

Low in calories, can lower cholesterol, can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, good for us moms if we are in a diet, high in protein that we need to keep on working as a mom, and most of all High in Antioxidant which is good for our cells and our skin goobye wringkles but after enjoying the delicious and nitritious pistachio, did you throw the shells left over? i hope not.



"Today im gonna show and share to you how to do Arts and Crafts in Pistachio Shells left over helping the mother Earth and give your home decorations."

Things you need

  • Paintbrush size depending on what you are painting, it is better to buy in one set that has a different size.
  • Acrylic Paint.
  • Vellum board, that is also use for calling cards or invitation card, if you dont have, bond paper will do.
  • Pen and pencil.
  • Glue, to stick the pistachio shells on the vellum board.


On Vellum Board Make a sketch you want to draw, use your pencil as a pattern, for me i draw a tree with some bugs pistachio bugs that you will see in the last part of this blog, and also you can draw or make bee or butterfly, ladybug, birds or anything you want, let your creative mind do the design.

It is up to you if how many shells you stick on the vollum board. now on after the scketch you can stick the pistachio shells in the vellum board using the glue and let them dry for 10 minutes before you start coloring it with the acrylic paint.


Now draw the branches and the leaves, you will see its not that hard, you can do it too, maybe you are better than me, for me it takes days to make one, you know mom things i just drop a minute bit by bit to draw and paint, it make me relax and happy to do things beside of being a mom, you can still do what you are dreaming of even if you have a child.

"it is not the end to do what you love when you are married"



Finally my finish product, i add some frame, DIY also from colored papers and it can be old news papers and magazines, just add coloring to the edge, any color you want, iwas amazed with kinda 3 dimentional look and feel, just keep on creating and think before you throw anything to your trash cans, maybe there is something you can do to it, and be the one to heal the earth and natures life, i make another one hope you like it too.



See you soon, on my next blog, thank you in advance, happy and glad to be here, stay at home, during the pandemic, just be creative, there are many things to do in our home and family.

God Bless!!!
Your full-time mom,

@lhen18 blurt footer.jpg

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