How Real Love Endures (5-Minute Freewrite)

in blurtfilipino •  4 years ago 


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Forgive me for I will be a little cheesy on this post. This is my first 5-minute freewrite here in Blurt and I thought to myself that there could not be any better topic than romantic love on my first attempt. I remember when I was a teen, when my teacher would ask for a poem, it was so easy to write about love and it still is until today. I now have more experience and better stories to tell than then.

Love endures. When it is real, yes it endures. Despite the many things that cloud your relationships, real love will always endure. There will be fears, there will be doubts, there will be temptations, you will get tired, you will lose the reason to hold on but despite it all love endures. Even when the darkness of all the thoughts that run through your head, the problems, the complicated situations, the different perspectives, challenges and different forms of poverty, still love endures.

What matters is you hold on and choose the person you love over and over again. Even when you have come to the point when you count more reasons to go than to stay, when love is real, it endures. When this happens to you, focus on giving it another chance. Take time to heal and reminisce what was there in the beginning that you lost. The promises you have forgotten. The reasons why you have stayed. Ask yourself was it worth it? Is it still worth it?

Love is a choice, it is something deep in you that you let out into the world for the world to see. Love is believing in something that makes you see the world with a meaning, a purpose. Love is something that makes you and the people around you happy. Love is sacrifice. Love is compromise. It will not always be fair but when love is real, you give and take. You fill each others cup.

The challenges will always be there, the fights, the disappointments, the misunderstandings, the miscommunication, and the shortcoming but when love is real you let it heal and give it another day. You keep learning how to love the person each time you fall apart, that is how enduring real love is. How do I know this? I have a love that endures, and everytime we fall apart, we heal and we look back and embrace each others flaws. Most often, when we get back, the love is stronger and we forget what was wrong in the first place. The challenges make no sense and it compares to nothing to what we feel. All feels nothing to what a real love is.

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