in blurtfiction •  2 years ago 

I don't think revenge is any solution, because reckoning is a confrontation with life itself. This snake was forcing me to make a harsh decision to know what "coming into existence" means.

Together, Eva and I made mounds and demolished them in the soil of this beautiful garden. Many times, just by pulling wet soil on top of our feet and dragging our feet, they have made the same lair as we live in. Also, I know that just by covering their feet and hiding their hands, their cave remains intact. In the same way, the creator of those things that are not visible must be someone who creates them. By looking at the foot-shaped hollow lair, we can imagine the foot on which tendon it rests.

Seeing the fingerprints on the wall of the cave from outside, we can guess the hand. Similarly, if we could see beyond the colorful, dry-wet, movable, and immovable expanse of this garden, then perhaps within it we can also see something. A replica of the size of the foot of the person is always visible. Even the impression of one’s hand could be recognized. We are small, but the creator is bigger. Maybe just as I can draw a long line on the soil of this garden, in the same way, the creator can also encircle the greatness, erase it, and make it again in any shape or form.



"So, how do I know? Who created me, and why?"

That snake does not believe in anything. I am the one who will bring life to this world. He doesn't know that the one who created me and all is sitting in heaven. Huh, the laughter of this snake is a horrific cry of disgust. He doesn’t believe in anything. Ever since I looked in the direction indicated by the snake, my body has still been trembling.

He had said, "You say Eva is mine. That’s why we are one. But all things that look alike are not made alike. How do they compare? You are dead, totally dead. "

I had not listened to him. I didn’t even answer. I thought in my heart that this was a lie. For there was only one Eva in this large garden, seeing whom I knew that she was like me, and who had always come to me, had not even gone to look for food, for which I had a desire to make myself a place to bring food and to make a sitting place. There is no difference between us; we are both the same. Both of us are from the same garden. We know each other. That snake is a deceiver.

But he chuckled and said, "You don’t know Eva, you don’t know." You don’t even know yourself. You’re naked, naked! "

He probably wanted to break my silence; that’s when I did not understand his point and asked, "What is naked?" Then he laughed and said, "You are naked! You’re both naked, you’re separate, you’re two! "

I did not understand even then, but since then I do not know why my body started trembling. And I was not convinced when I saw Eva not by my side, and looking at her, I usually wondered, is she really different? Seeing my own body, I do not get as curious as seeing hers. So, is that body really different from mine?

Eva had taken hold of my shoulder. Thinking of something, the snake again laughed and said, "Eva used to say, one has created everything. Then everything is one, isn’t it? Then we should see unity everywhere. But look at how your bodies are becoming increasingly distorted; they are distorting your Creator’s unity! Go, hide him-and him, and him, and him! "

And his ill-fated eyes and flabby double tongue began to pierce our bodies everywhere...

I found myself furious at the vibration and said, "Eva told you, you’re a liar! Eva doesn’t even look at you! "

The snake said calmly, "What did you say?"

Pulling me up, Eva said, "Come on, let’s get out of here."

Suddenly, I remembered something; I asked, "Eva, did you really talk to the snake?"

Eva was frightened. She pulled me even harder and said, "Come on, Adam, let’s get out of here!"

We went away. We had gone far away, where we could not see the tree and the sharp eyed snake. But the vibrations of my body did not stop, and I continued to feel that the snake’s eye was continuously piercing me out of the void air

We went away. We have gone far away, where we cannot see the standing watery eyes of the tree and the snake. But the vibrations of my body did not stop, and I continued to feel that the snake’s eye was continuously piercing me out of the void air.



When, after taking a bath in the lake and lying on the scorching sand, we felt the desire for food again, and we saw that the yellow fruit of the sky had turned red again, suddenly I felt very happy. Today I can face everything about the snake. It happened in my mind. I grabbed Eva's hand and dragged her towards the same tree on which the snake was wrapped.

I didn’t feel scared, I didn’t even tremble. On the way, I suddenly asked, "Eva, did you really say that to the snake?"

Eva did not answer. Then suddenly, she said, "Look at that! That!"

I saw the tree was all in the grip of the snake's tail. The snake’s tail engulfed the whole tree from the root to the top of the trunk, the branches, and the twigs were all hidden, and the snake itself had its head hidden inside the buzzer. It had slept as if there was no snake or a tree, only a knotted giant bale, and yes, a single ripe red fruit on top of that tree.

Eva clasped me. I know I’m holding her with one hand. She’s trembling, and something inside her is thumping loudly.

I asked for encouragement, "Why Eva? What is it?"

In reply, she clings to me even harder. I asked again, "Are you afraid?"

She was clinging even more. Keeping her mouth close to her ear, she said softly, "The snake is sleeping."

I again looked at her trembling body, full posture, and reddened face, placing the other hand on her forehead and asking, "My sweetheart, do you want to tell?"

She once said, "Will you bring me that fruit?"

I couldn’t understand what to say. I don’t know how I grabbed Eva in one hand and raised the other hand and plucked that fruit-perhaps that ruckus within Eva pushed me.

Suddenly, the snake shook. The young man caught hold of the fruit and threw the rest in my mouth. The snake slid here and there and pulled its head out-and the frantic glee of the snake frightened the whole garden.

"When I myself was giving it to you, you hid it from me and ate it. Inside your body is my red fruit, and this garland of mine will bind your body-your naked body, which-you are naked, naked! Naked! "

Sitting in the open air there, Eva asked, "What was the fruit like?"

I said, "Eva, the whole thing happened in such a way that I did not understand. I don’t know what the throbbing inside your chest did to me.

All of a sudden, I saw that although Eva had covered her chest with both hands, she was not listening to me. Her eyes are not fixed on me. She was looking up at the sky, whose color had become a little darker, perhaps trying to recognize the face of the sky turning red on its way down.

Eva shuddered and said, "Yes, Adam, tie me like this with a garland." Cover the whole tree so that nothing can be seen, not even a single flower. Only fruit, only fruit. "

And seeing my creation clinging to my chest, I knew that the snake was a liar.

I am the creator. We are one.

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