A True Story of Bullfrog and Angel

in blurtfiction •  2 years ago 

This is a true story of a beautiful woman in the disguise of an angel was kissing a bullfrog in a pit in the middle of the road. I saw this in the city where I lived a couple of years ago.

Actually, there were big potholes on both sides of the road, so the speed of the vehicles was very slow. But the curiosity of seeing this fairy tale scene stopped the traffic, and people were watching everything with a lot of interest.

Then there was a man who was standing with a bottle of paint and a brush in his hands. He said that this all resulted from his own imagination. All this was happening near a deadly pothole in the middle of the road. His aim was to draw the attention of the authorities to such mattresses so that they should take care of the repair job immediately. Image
He invited an actress to play the role of an angel. The actress who played the role of angel said that when the artist approached her, she liked his idea, so she agreed. The artist created a beautiful pond by turning the bad pothole onto that dangerous road.

But we all know that there is a popular fairy tale that describes a prince who is cursed and becomes a frog. The only way to get rid of the curse is if an angel kisses him. Then he will become a prince again. So they decided to raise the matter and took advantage of the fairy tale, hence this interesting incident.

People enjoyed the way the artist and the actress raised the issue with their unique display to draw the attention of the administration towards the potholes. Incidentally, earlier, to draw the attention of the maintenance authorities towards these deadly potholes, they once brought a small crocodile and once an anaconda to a similar situation in the middle of the road.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ha, what a delightfully crazy story.

I love it when people draw flowers in paint around potholes. We all need magic in our lives.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for appreciation :)