The Strange Coffee Lover —The Best For Dhalia

in blurtfiction •  2 years ago 

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The clickety-clack sound as the train wheels rolled over the rail kept Léa Yorgos awake and anxious as her town, DoLitt, drew close. She chewed on her nails, staring out the window as the wind blew on her face and stirred her chestnut hair around her face.

She sighed deeply when she remembered her conversation with Dhalia, her monster, right before she left for Vinton. She was an unlucky, plain young lady with no friends. Everything she did either turned out badly or was unsuccessful. Her family had lost faith in her.

Striving to be independent, she scraped a living selling vegetables in the Farmer's market. Léa could barely make ends meet until she met Dhalia. It was scary at first. Léa doubted Dhalia.

The little monster waved her wand and Léa's luck changed. Her business became successful. They became good friends, always hanging out together, the monster hid in her handbag.

Whenever Léa travelled to other towns to buy goods for her store, she would go alone for fear of losing Dhalia in the hustle and bustle of the big markets.

But nothing lasts forever. Léa noticed Dhalia was a little unhappy.

"It's time for me to move on," the thin, weedy-looking being pronounced on the morning Léa was to leave for Vinton, her lips twisted in dissatisfaction.

"No!" Léa crouched down in front of her and held Dhalia's frail fingers in her palm. "You can't leave me. Things are just starting to be alright…."

Dhalia humphed, snatched back her hands and folded them on her chest. "Why? Your store is doing great. You are always busy travelling now. You don't need me anymore."


"Nah," she interrupted, her eyes closed and her nose in the air. "I must find someone else who needs me."

Léa stood quietly, a little sad, kissed her tiny monster on the head and left for Vinton. She had an idea and hoped it was not too late. She'd come to like and rely on Dhalia, not just for the luck the magical being brought her but for her friendship.

Léa remembered her mother once made a flippant remark that a lovely gift can thaw the coldest heart. Dhalia loved coffee and Léa would surprise her.

She clutched her duffle bag tightly to her chest. Her round-trip ticket specified that the train would stop at Vinton station for two hours before returning to DoLitt. That was the only train that travelled to Vinton once a week. Léa could not miss it.

She searched through Vinton's Central market for one pricey brand of Arabica coffee —VintonFr3sh Whole Blend 100% Arabica Coffee. The best coffee in the market. She found it, paid for it and rushed down to the station just in time. The doors closed right behind her as the whistle was blown and their return journey to DoLitt began.

Unlocking the door to her apartment, Léa walked in, the duffle bag hidden behind her. Dhalia stood atop her table, dressed in a fine, leafy-green gown that complemented her sky-blue skin, a tiny brown sling bag hung across her chest. Dhalia was ready to move on.

"I have a gift for you," Léa whispered huskily. Dhalia would not look at her. Léa held up the bag of fine Arabica coffee. The delightful aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans permeated the apartment as Dhalia's button nose bobbed up and down, sniffing the air.

Her eyes bulged in surprise. "Wheeeee!" She screamed in delight and jumped into the air, bumped against the ceiling and landed back on the table. "For me??" She asked tentatively.

Léa nodded tears in her eyes. "You are my best friend and I don't want you to go just yet. We'll always travel together from now on."

Dhalia grinned widely, her small, slightly yellow fangs on display. "This is the best gift any human has given me. Of course, I'll stay!"

"Thank you," Léa chuckled.

"Um, where are the vegetables you bought for the store?" Dhalia asked, her tiny lucky wand raised in the air, ready to sprinkle some luck.

Léa shook her head. "I went to Vinton just to get you the best coffee. I'll go back for some vegetables next week."

Dhalia froze for a long moment. The two friends stared at each other. Dhalia jumped into the air once more raining down tiny gold sparkles in the room. She hugged her friend, her eyes closed.

"You are one human with a good heart."


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