Sleeping with a cat in bed is harmful.

in blurtespanol •  4 years ago 

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We have an infinite love for our pets. Especially in the case of cats, the caress seems to increase a few times more. Many people sleep with a very cute cat.

A UK-based organization called Animal Friends recently conducted a study. The study revealed some information about cat owners.

Let the cat eat on its own plate

A total of 2,000 people were polled in the Animal Friends survey. One-fifth of them report that they are feeding their pet cat on their own plate!

Not only can eating in the same container cause you health risks, but it can also make your pet cat sick. It is often seen that cats do not want to take a bath and they are not given a bath for a long time. In that case the risk increases several times more.

Cats should be bathed well at least once a month. Cats need to clean their bed once every two weeks and their feeding bowl regularly. You must also clean the cat before feeding it. Never eat on your own plate. There is nothing wrong with looking at your own pet. Usually two people eat on the same plate, but sometimes the health risks come up

Letting the cat get out of bed or sleeping with the cat

Salmonella, various types of germs, fungal infections if your cat comes and goes out regularly; It can even carry diseases like bird flu. So for the safety of your family and your pet cat, go out and clean the house regularly.

Salmonella and Camilobacter are the two most widely spread bacteria in cats. They can cause colds and fevers in the human body. Which occasionally also takes a turn towards infection.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I do love animals but eating with them together or even sleeping with them is something which i will never prefer doing so for sure.

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