I return with another simple craft, for this month of celebration I want to offer simple ways to decorate your home and encourage recycling, previously I made a snowman using rolls of toilet paper, this time I made one of the nine Christmas reindeer (Rudolph), this type of adornments if we add a string perfectly decorate the Christmas tree, I made several of these ornaments with cardboard roll because my nephews love it, they prefer to place all on a shelf in an orderly manner. I invite you to create this type of craftsmanship you will enjoy very much in the process.
¡Iniciemos con el paso a paso! || Let's start with the step-by-step!

1 rollo de papel higiénico, goma eva brillante, cartulina blanca, pintura negra y marrón, pegamento, pincel.
1 roll of toilet paper, glossy eva rubber, white cardboard, black and brown paint, glue, brush.

▪️ Empecé por pintar el rollo en color marrón.
▪️ I started by painting the roll in brown.

▪️ Hice simples decoraciones en cartulina blanca (ojos y cuernos) luego los pinté en negro, también recorté un círculo de la goma eva brillante para representar la nariz, seguido de ello pegue todas las piezas a rollo y dibujé una sonrisa.
▪️ I made simple decorations on white cardboard (eyes and horns) then painted them in black, I also cut out a circle from the shiny eva rubber to represent the nose, followed by gluing all the pieces together and drawing a smile.

Thank you for reading this publication!

Imágenes tomadas desde mi Alcatel One Touch Idol 4. || Images taken from my Alcatel One Touch Idol 4.
Separadores hechos en PhotoScape. || Dividers made in PhotoScape.
Ediciones hechas en PhotoScape. || Editions made in PhotoScape.
Translator Deepl.
Imagen incrustada. || Image embedded. 1
Imagen incrustada. || Image embedded. 2
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