Paper dolls, a beautiful memory of my childhood

in blurtespanol •  3 years ago 

¡¡¡ Welcome dear readers !!!

Today I bring you something great, straight from the trunk of memories. What you can see in the photographs, in the little hands of the girls of my time was transformed into hours and hours of magic and healthy fun. I know, I know, as we say in Venezuela, my ID fell, hahahaha, but at 44 years old my heart is still filled with joy at seeing them. So today when I found them while going through a drawer, I said to myself, I have to share it with my readers and of course take my camera and photograph my friends Alicia and Judith, my old paper dolls.


Bebe asomandose.png

Possibly many of you do not know the paper dolls, because they are very young, or perhaps they know the new versions. Of those new editions I also have some, because my sister as you know I love them, on a birthday I give them to them, I have no idea where I get them, but I still adored her when she gave them to me, but, I will show you those other day. The ones that I show you in the photographs are not the ones that I used to play, if they detail they are not yet cropped, I imagine that I bought them, just to keep them as a souvenir. For some papers that I found, within the book where they were kept, I must have bought them for the year 1989, imagine, for that date, I was only 14 years old and I was studying at the 3rd year high school, that means that they are already 30 years old, Wuau !!!, they are also old, my paper dolls, hahahaha.

Bebe asomandose.png


Bebe asomandose.png

For me they were the best, although I had my other dolls and toys, these had a great advantage, they were portable. They did not take up space, you could load many inside the pages of your notebooks and the coolest thing was, that you could take them to school to play at recess with your friends. At that wonderful time, all girls had their own collection, of course I was no exception. I think it was the first thing I collected and of course we proudly flaunted our dolls. Sometimes, we exchanged them and at least in my case, I also drew and colored new clothes for them, those were my beginnings in the world of fashion design. Who was going to tell me, that so many years later, God would reward me with two beautiful and wonderful dolls of flesh and blood, with whom I would greatly enjoy the great love adventure of being a mother.

Bebe asomandose.png

Content and photographs of my intellectual property

Technical information

Camera Pentax * istDL
Lens * Pentax 18-55
Lighting Natural Light
Location Barcelona, Anzoátegui State
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