Dalia, Flor Nacional de México || Dahlia, National Flower of Mexico

in blurtespanol •  4 years ago 

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Para hoy les traigo unas hermosas imágenes, correspondiente a lo que se considera la flor nacional de México, "La Dalia". Estas fotos las tomé durante un viaje que realicé a la Colonia Tovar-Venezuela en 2011. Me impresionó mucho la belleza de la flor, por lo que no pude resistirme a fotografiarla.

For today I bring you some beautiful images, corresponding to what is considered the national flower of Mexico, "La Dalia". I took these photos during a trip I made to Colonia Tovar-Venezuela in 2011. I was very impressed by the beauty of the flower, so I couldn't resist photographing it.



Según lo que investigue de esta majestuosa flor, es originaria de América Central, específicamente de los bosques templados del sur y centro de México. Aparentemente los aztecas la cultivaban, y la llamaban 'xicaxochitl', que se deriva de la combinación de las palabras Xicama y Xóchitl". La primera palabra corresponde, al nombre de un tubérculo también de origen mexicano, perteneciente a la familia de las leguminosas. La referencia se debe a que la planta Dalia es producida por bulbos similares a los de la Jícama. Por otro lado, la palabra "Xóchitl" significa flor, en pocas palabras Xicaxochitl, se traduce como "Flor de Jícama".

According to my research on this majestic flower, it is native to Central America, specifically to the temperate forests of southern and central Mexico. Apparently, the Aztecs cultivated it and called it 'xicaxochitl', derived from the combination of the words Xicama and Xóchitl". The first word corresponds to the name of a tuber also of Mexican origin, belonging to the leguminous family. The reference is due to the fact that the Dalia plant is produced by bulbs similar to those of the Jícama. On the other hand, the word "Xóchitl" means flower, in short Xicaxochitl, translated as "Jicama Flower".




El género Dalia, forma parte de la familia botánica Asteraceas (compuestas). Su nombre científico es Dahlia spp y se le denominó de esa forma en honor al botánico sueco, Andrès Dahl. De forma común, a esta planta se le conoce como Dalia, Dalias cactus o Dalias pompón.

The genus Dahlia, is part of the botanical family Asteraceas (composites). Its scientific name is Dahlia spp and it was named after the Swedish botanist, Andrès Dahl. This plant is commonly known as Dahlia, Dahlia cactus or Dahlia pompom.




La Dalia es una planta que le gusta la luz y el aire, por lo que no sobrevive en interiores, para su correcto desarrollo es necesario plantarla en un lugar con mucha luz, sin ser expuesta directamente al sol. Su belleza ornamental a lo largo de la historia la ha convertido en una flor muy apreciada, llegando a convertir su cultivo en un objeto de deleite. Tal es así, que en 1780 se creó en Gran Bretaña la Sociedad Nacional de la Dalia, institución que en su momento apreció el carácter estético de esta magnífica flor.

The Dahlia is a plant that likes light and air, so it does not survive indoors, for its proper development is necessary to plant it in a place with lots of light, without being exposed directly to the sun. Its ornamental beauty throughout history has made it a highly prized flower, making its cultivation an object of delight. Such is the case that in 1780 the National Dahlia Society was created in Great Britain, an institution that at the time appreciated the aesthetic character of this magnificent flower.


References || Referencias



Contenido y fotografías de mi propiedad intelectual

Información Técnica

CámaraPentax * istDL
Lente * Pentax 18-55
IluminaciónLuz Natural
Locación Colonia Tovar, Estado Aragua, Venezuela

Content and photographs of my intellectual property

Technical information

Camera Pentax * istDL
Lens * Pentax 18-55
Lighting Natural Light
Location Colonia Tovar, Aragua State, Venezuela



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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great photos and information on Dahlias. We have to dig our tubers in the fall or they will not survive our cold winters. I have two growing in containers, and in the fall I bring the entire container into my garage and then keep it from freezing in the garage.

So many different variations of dahlias. This orange one is fantastic. Thank you for sharing.

Always a pleasure to greet you, Mr. @r2cornell.

The dahlias are very beautiful, unfortunately, where I live, it's very hot all year round and they don't survive in that climate. Here in Venezuela I have only seen them in cold places, like Colonia Tovar and Caripe del Gruacharo.

Thank you for your visit and blessings to you and your family.