Rise to success / Elevate al Exito

in blurtespanol •  2 years ago 

Did you know that the only bird that gets to peck even an eagle is the crow? it does this by climbing on top of it pecking at its neck, the eagle does not resist but continues to fly, while the crow you think is winning the battle keep pecking trying to unbalance it, the eagle continues to climb taking it to its own terrain without resisting or fighting, it continues increasing more the height the raven has not reached that kind of distance the raven feels the air piere and releases the eagle. This is a great teaching because how many people do not come into our lives with conflicts, fights, and start throwing words to unbalance you only to see you fall, restrict you and sabotage your abilities, but what do I want to tell you with this, I give you the example of the eagle? It is that you do not waste time and energy with this type of person, nor are you equal to them, you should only raise yourself to take it to your level, you must be prepared because throughout your life many people like this will come to you, they just want to see you destroyed.

When they see that you are emerging on the road, envy appears and the person will only want to see you fall, telling you that you can't? that you don't deserve it, making you doubt even yourself, but that's where I tell you, don't let yourself win, don't let them captivate you like a bird, take it to the place where you are strong and free, where they won't be able to reach you and show him with facts that everything they said was the opposite. You were born to fly high to rise, you are a person who can fulfill your dreams that there are no limits to do so.

Elevate, focus on your objectives and goals, without mistreating or offending anyone, because you do not need to climb on top of people, you must make your own path, visualize your horizon and follow it learning, you will love each challenge that life is presenting to you, because these challenges are to be stronger in life, you must learn to fly with the storm, do not take refuge in it, but rise above those storms, use it to make your flights better, since the storm will pass and your flight will remain firm and sure.

Fight for your freedom because you have the power, the strength and the wisdom to rise despite the chaos and disorder, that freedom is what will make you free from fear, that freedom that allows you to show the world that you can, that you will never abandon your dreams, goals or objectives for other people, because whoever loves you does not limit you, but helps you boost, but if that person who wants to see you fall you must push them away, you must show them that every word they said about you was not like that, because each fall you have had in each challenge will strengthen you to rise to success.


Sabias que la unica ave que llega a picotear aun aguila es el cuervo? esto lo hace subiendose sobre el piconteando su cuello, el aguila no se resiste sino que sigue volando, mientras que el cuervo piensas que esta ganando la batalla seguir picoteando intentando desequilibrarlo, el aguila continua subiendo llevandolo a su propio terreno sin resistir ni pelear, sigue aumentando mas la altura el cuervo no ha llegado a ese tipo de distancia el cuervo siente que piere el aire y suelta el aguila. Esto es una gran enseñanza porque cuantas personas no llega a nuestra vida con conflictos, peleas, e inicias a lanzar palabras para desequilibrandote solo para verte caer, te restrigue y sabotean tus habilidades, pero que te quiero decir con esto, l colocarte el ejemplo del aguila? es que no pierdas el tiempo y energía con este tipo de personas, tampoco te iguales a ellos, solo debe elevarte llevarlo a tu nivel, debe estar preparado porque a lo largo de tu vida muchas personas asi te llegaran solo quiere verte destruido.

Cuando ven que vas surguiendo en el camino aparece la envidia y la persona solo te querran ver caer, diciendote que tu no puedes? que no lo mereces haciendote que llegue a dudar hasta de ti mismo, pero ahi es donde te digo no te deje vencer, no deje que te cautiven como un pajaro, llevalo al lugar donde tu eres fuerte y libre, en donde ello no podran llegarte y demostrarle con hechos que todo lo que decian era lo contrario. Tu naciste para volar alto para elevarte, eres una persona que puede cumplir tus sueños que no hay limites para hacerlo.

Elevate centrate en tus objetivos y metas, sin maltrtatar ni ofender a nadie, porque no necesitas escalar encima de las personas, debe hacer tu propio camino, visualiza tu horinzonte y siguelo aprendiendo amara cada desafio que la vida te estas presentando, porque estos desafios son para que sea mas fuerte en la vida, debe aprende a voolar con las tormenta, no te refugies en ella, sino sobre sale encika de esas tormentas, usala para que tu vuelos sean mejor, ya que la tormenta pasara y tu vuelo seguira firme y seguro.

Lucha por tu libertad porque tiene el poder la fortaleza y la sabiduria para elevarte a pesar del caos y del desorden, esa libertad es la que te hara libre del miedo, esa la que te permite demostrarle al mundo que tu puedes, que nunca abandonaras tus sueños, metas o objetivos por otras persona, porque quien te ama no te limita, sino que te ayuda a impulsar, pero si esa persona que te desea verte caer debes alejarla, debes demostrarles que cada palabra que dijeron de ti no eran asi, porque cada caida que has tenido en cada desafio te fortalecera para elevarte al exito.

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