El cumpleaño de mi Abuela 91 años / My grandmother's birthday 91 years

in blurtespanol •  2 years ago 

El sabado 10 de septiembre cumplio año mi Abuela, la madre de mi padre ha llegado a sus 91 años, mi tia nos invito que le iban a picar una torta.


Mi hija como ha ido a otros cumple de la bisabueela ha visto que no le adornan, solo que le canta el cumple le pican la torta. Cuando mi hija supo del cumple me dijo mama hay que hacerle una torta a la abuela (bisabuela) Claudina, hay que llevar para adornar y tomar fotos.


Daniela es una niña de 4 años, pero es una niña muy inteligente, ha visto que la fiesta se adornan para cantar cumple, ella queria que su bisabuela tuviera un cumple hermoso, poder tomar fotos, globos.


Ese sabado amanecio desde temprano lloviendo, paso gran parte del dia lluvioso, le prepare una torta rellena de vainilla, a parte de llevarme para adornar, el adorno fue algo rapido porque ya era un poco tarde, se aproximaba otro invierno, no me dio chance de adornar como deseaba.


Pero si pude arreglar la cortina de la aparte de atras, inflar algunos globos, las letras de Feliz Cumpleaños, mi hi se tomo algunas fotos con ella.

Aqui esta el video el momento de cantar cumpleaño, mi abuela se veia feliz, me imagino tener su familia junto a ella, a pesar de a ver pasado dos perdida de hijo, uno de ellos mi padre.

LLegar a los 91 años es momento de alegria y felciidad, es una señora que aun se levanta, lee, en su juventud fue maestra, madre 6 hijos, su esposo murio hace 20 años, pero ha llegado a la vida tranquila, en su casa, juntos a su familia.


My grandmother's birthday 91 years

On Saturday, September 10, my grandmother's birthday was, my father's mother has reached her 91st birthday, my aunt invited us to have a cake for her.


As my daughter has gone to other birthdays of her great-grandmother, she has seen that she does not decorate her, only that she sings her birthday, they pierce her cake. When my daughter found out about the birthday, she told me, mom, you have to make a cake for your grandmother (great-grandmother) Claudina, you have to bring it to decorate and take pictures.

Daniela is a 4-year-old girl, but she is a very intelligent girl, she has seen that the party is decorated to sing birthday, she wanted her great-grandmother to have a beautiful birthday, to be able to take photos, balloons.


That Saturday it woke up early raining, I spent a large part of the rainy day, I prepared a cake filled with vanilla, apart from taking me to decorate, the decoration was a bit quick because it was already a little late, another winter was approaching, I didn't have a chance to decorate as desired.

But if I could fix the curtain in the back, inflate some balloons, her Happy Birthday letters, my hi took some pictures with her.

Here is the video at the time of singing birthday, my grandmother looked happy, I imagine having her family with her, despite seeing two lost sons, one of them my father.

Reaching 91 years is a moment of joy and happiness, she is a lady who still gets up, reads, in her youth she was a teacher, mother of 6 children, her husband died 20 years ago, but she has come to a quiet life, at home together with your family.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy Birthday to her!!
You are really lucky to have her...
Big Hug!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your words.. It is a blessing to have her..

Big hug for you Christmas star... Blessings