in blurteducation •  2 years ago


Hello Blurt friends wherever you are, meet again with me @aroyl, one of the atomians member in Indonesia.

Halo sahabat Blurt dimanapun kalian berada, jumpa lagi dengan saya @aroyl salah satu anggota atomians di Indonesia.

On this occasion I will discuss about pregnancy in PLWHA women.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang kehamilan pada wanita ODHA

Many women infected with HIV AIDS are afraid to get married and get pregnant, because they are worried about the risk of transmitting the virus from mother to baby.

Banyak wanita yang terinfeksi HIV AIDS takut menikah dan hamil, karena khawatir dengan risiko penularan virus dari ibu ke bayi.

In fact, every woman and PLWHA is no exception, has the right to be free from all forms of discrimination in reproductive life, including the right to marry and have children.

Padahal, setiap perempuan dan ODHA tidak terkecuali, berhak untuk bebas dari segala bentuk diskriminasi dalam kehidupan reproduksi, termasuk hak untuk menikah dan memiliki anak.

However, women living with HIV and their partners or husbands must consider carefully when planning a pregnancy. This is due to the possibility of the baby being infected with HIV from the mother.

Namun, wanita yang hidup dengan HIV dan pasangan atau suaminya harus mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati saat merencanakan kehamilan. Hal ini disebabkan kemungkinan bayi tertular HIV dari ibunya.

The most influential risk factor in increasing this possibility is the amount of virus in the mother's blood, HIV transmission from mother to baby can occur from the womb due to damage to the placenta which is supposed to protect the fetus from HIV infection.

Faktor risiko yang paling berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemungkinan tersebut adalah jumlah virus dalam darah ibu, penularan HIV dari ibu ke bayi dapat terjadi dari dalam kandungan akibat kerusakan plasenta yang seharusnya melindungi janin dari infeksi HIV.

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This damage allows blood from the mother to flow to the fetus. However, the risk of transmission is higher during delivery, because the baby is touched by the mother's blood or vaginal fluids while passing through the birth canal. In addition, the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding or breast milk can also occur.

Kerusakan ini memungkinkan darah dari ibu mengalir ke janin. Namun, risiko penularan lebih tinggi saat melahirkan, karena bayi tersentuh darah ibu atau cairan vagina saat melewati jalan lahir. Selain itu, risiko penularan HIV melalui ASI atau ASI juga bisa terjadi.

The best way to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV is in the PMTCT program or the first prevention of mother-to-child transmission is to keep PLWHA women healthy during pregnancy, take ART regularly and give birth by surgery.

Cara terbaik untuk mencegah penularan HIV dari ibu ke anak dalam program PMTCT atau pencegahan pertama penularan dari ibu ke anak adalah menjaga kesehatan ibu ODHA selama hamil, rutin minum ART dan melahirkan dengan operasi.

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This method has been practiced by PLWHA women around the world for more than ten years and has had a major impact on the health of PLWHA women and their children.

Metode ini telah dipraktikkan oleh wanita ODHA di seluruh dunia selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan berdampak besar bagi kesehatan wanita ODHA dan anaknya.

"Remember prevention is much better than cure

So much information from me about pregnancy in PLWHA women, hopefully it will be useful and look forward to the next tips in my post.

Thank you for dropping by at my writing. Until we meet again in my next writing.

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