in blurteducation •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurt friends wherever you are, meet again with me @aroyl, one of the atomians member in Indonesia.

On this occasion I will discuss about how to prevent hepatitis

For hepatitis A and E, all you have to do is always maintain cleanliness, ways you can do include washing vegetables and food ingredients that will be cooked, using clean eating utensils, and never forgetting to wash your hands before eating.

For other types of hepatitis, avoid direct contact with blood, do not share razors, syringes, or tattoo needles with other people. In addition, use condoms during sexual intercourse (remember we never know whether someone else is infected with hepatitis or not), for further protection you can take hepatitis vaccinations which are now available, namely the HAV and HBV vaccines.

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Then to prevent non-viral hepatitis, the best way is not to consume alcohol and drugs, and reduce the use of drugs that have side effects of liver disorders.

"Remember prevention is much better than cure"

So much information from me about how to prevent hepatitis, hopefully it will be useful and look forward to the next tips in my post.

Thank you for dropping by at my writing. Until we meet again in my next writing.

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