in blurteducation •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurt friends wherever you are, meet again with me @aroyl, one of the atomians member in Indonesia.

On this occasion I will discuss about immunity in the community or what is commonly called herd immunity.

Herd immunity is the level of ability or resistance of a population to attack and spread of infectious diseases. Herd immunity is often regarded as the main factor in the process of outbreaks of certain diseases in the community prior to immunization efforts.

During a disease outbreak, a number of vulnerable people will fall ill. These people become a source of infection for other people who are not immune, but each sufferer will form active immunity in his body. So as long as the epidemic lasts as many as former sufferers will become immune.

Therefore, the proportion of immune community members also increases, so that the process of disease transmission becomes slower. Well, by immunizing your child, you will avoid Eighty to ninety-five percent of certain diseases.

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If one day the disease-causing microorganisms attack your little one, they will not fall ill, automatically they will not transmit the disease to the people around them.

The more children who are immunized, the less likely they are to contract the disease. Because the chain of transmission has been broken, it can be said that apart from being useful for protecting oneself, immunization also has social benefits, namely to create community immunity or herd immunity.

"Remember prevention is much better than cure"

So much information from me about immunity to the community, hopefully it will be useful and look forward to the next tips in my post.

Thank you for dropping by at my writing. Until we meet again in my next writing.

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