thirsty thursday technology article crunching today!

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

Yo yo, good morning!

I’m on a sprint break, I’ve got like fifteen minutes to share with you before I jump into another sprint, I’m having a food and drink break, waiting for partner to wake up three thousand miles away and slide into our END TO END encrypted chat and then back to the grindstone, breakfast zones apart but committed to the bigger relationship goals picture, you might know how this goes!

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

So let’s drop FIVE FOR FIVE on some technology stories that are popping up on my radar this morning, if you are interested in following along my other things I come across and read on the daily that does not make it across you can follow along my flipboard magazines, I’ve been curating these for years now! :)


because porn makes internet go brrrrr

Deepfake porn is now mainstream | WIRED UK

I mean come on, it was only a matter of time, once they got all the cloud servers setup correctly, that they could run the numbers and make the money back from some decentralised platform somewhere that would give them big upvotes or karma points for the re-render and also when porn filtering fell over in the uk that was a big green start sign for sure — the era of not knowing who the fuck anyone is has begun in earnest.

I even saw that Bella Thorne from Disney fame earned like $1 million in 24 hrs on onlyfans the other day, people are late to the party, jumping in, earning dough, buying a ranch and then doing one into the lands of decentralised crypto. Porn goes brrrrrrr.

is the spotify move failing already?

Joe Budden is taking his podcast off Spotify because the company ‘is pillaging’ his audience - The Verge

Starting to see a lot of this happening and it does make me wonder where things are gonna be at with Joe rogan after his $100 million deal with spotify. Can’t help but think that things like the apple/epic battle at the moment spark the fire of these things as well, it’s all combined right, who’s the boss of you now, who do you wanna work with, what’s your community and reach worth? People are waking up, crypto is gonna be right there to save them when they realise it links all the way back to their cash flow.

epic need to recall the tools back to the pram!

Why Epic can’t afford to lose the Unreal Engine in its legal fight with Apple - The Verge

It’s kinda dumb now, epic should remove the payment thing and retreat to fight another day, it’s dumb that at developer level you caused concern for all those builders that you gave grants too and now they are worried about if they can even use this tool in the future — all because you wanna try and mobilise/weaponise kids who play fortnite into trying to force apples hand.

I dunno, when you started streaming that 24 hr back to back stream of the fortnite/1984 video you kinda made yaself look outta touch epic. I get what you wanna do, I get what conversation you wanna have but trying to weaponise a community to grandstand for you, you showed that you think that because ya got a few Milly in the bank you can like compete with this well oiled aged machine, that’s not how it works I’m afraid.

liquid cooling to a whole other level

Here’s Doom Eternal running at 1,000 fps on a liquid nitrogen cooled PC | PC Gamer

For the system building nerds out there and the people that absolutely have to make their monitor bleed frames — I present you the dudes that liquid cool with nitrogen, 1000fps any good for you, talk about competitive, is that where we are heading?

Imagine the live spectacle of back to back 5v5 teams as the computers get dropped into their nitrogen baths before the round starts and they have an hour before the effects wear off, I can see the fanfare now. We up in PLUTO in this biiiissshh (guessing it’s cold there, but hey, I might have dropped the ball)

opportunities for blockchain and solar solutions?

5G towers are consuming a lot of energy, so China Unicom is putting some of them to sleep overnight | South China Morning Post

Not so interested in the headline but more so the fact that for once we actually started talking about ENERGY in a way that hopefully get’s traction. I’ve always thought that these co-working, co-creation, co-living spaces had a lot going for them if you could build a co-operative around utilising the roof space, vertical gardening, owned internet backhaul, heck even mesh networked building blockchain where you share value around the building and earn from working together — so much unexplored here.

That’s me for today, hope you got a bit of technology value outta this update today, I can’t say when I’ll be posting these, when the mood feels right I guess, just keep an eye out for the tags that I used on this post and I’ll try to keep them consistent if you get value from them, if for nothing else, we adding TX records to this blockchain to make it a little bigger right? :)

Peace and Love
Humble me Along XxX

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

In my eye epic is doing the right thing. Apple and Google need to know their stores are not the only thing around. They are two giants trying to take and control devs.