Simple Twitter analytics for everyone

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

quicklink | ilo · Simple Twitter analytics for everyone

since being on twitter since 2006, yes, fourteen years (weird flex but ok) i've seen the platform change drasically, tbh, i don't really use it much for conversation because it's 'not like it was' when we were using it for finding out the best parties in SXSW back 'in the day' -- in fact these days, it's just full of russian bot armies, left and right politics, gangs, cults and hive spam. sheesh.. .

btw, power tip, do this. .. MORE > SETTINGS AND PRIVACY > CONTENT PREFERENCES > SAFETY > MUTED > MUTED WORDS. .. you can thank me later. .. (and relax to a more relaxed feed)

the only true thing i really enjoy in twitter these days it the data and stats, it's a pretty well fleshed out beasty and it's got that first mover advantage of being part of the OG set of 'internet sites you just don't think will ever vanish' -- it's like got it's own internet street cred like youtube, tumblr or myspace (ok, maybe not myspace)

The only real worth for twitter for me in 2020 is collecting data and engagement for me or clients twitter accounts that i manage, to see how well they are doing, what's working, what's not, when we need to change up the marketing, who interacted and why.

The days of chatty, helpful, back to back conversations in proper threads are long since gone, hijacked in a vertitable ai spam economy to deride, unhinge and generally fuck you off. It's a complete crab shoot out there, like trying to catch fish with TNT and a dream.

But data, oh well data on twitter is fucking great, someone who recently appeared in my field of view (out of this new wave of makers, builders and entrepreneurs flexing their skills) is dan rowden cool profile account @dr i have to say, almost as cool at @ev with evan williams of twitter fame :)

He's made this cool little tool that's way better (imo) over the twitter stats which i rarely use (not sure why not) -- maybe it's just the way they are presented or the data i want is not there?

ilo is for Twitter users who want to understand how their tweets are being interacted with, and who want to study growth over time.

I think that's the key metric here, growth over time, no point just self flogging yaself into infinity in the middle of a tweet warzone, you'll just end up in the bunker of dread with the bots talking to themselves about tron. ugh, shuddering continues.

it's currently free while it's in alpha and it looks like he's gonna start charging around $10 a month when it's done. It's pretty handy as a free tool right now and i'm not sure i'd pay that amount but for now it's great for glancing out for myself and clients once a week.

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