oh man, i've got bad GWEI again ;)

in blurtech •  4 years ago  (edited)

quicklink | https://ethgasstation.info

i don't have gas at the moment, not really. . . lol,

. ..but it's always smart to know what the prices of GAS/GWEI are at when doing transactions, like for instance last week when my ANT was popping i really wanted to transfer that into ETH but i ended up not having enough and was just trying to send over a small amount, the fees were crazy, mainly because mainnet had gotten so busy because people were fucking about in DeFi buying into the YAM dream -- someone is gonna make the perfect smart contract thou, it's a crazy space but it's also super cool to play with if you have the funds to take a punt! :)

Just recently i've been playing in this space for 'parcels' of land in the AR/VR space and i'm always keen to get the best value out of using metamask to get a good price/value/time balance. I think it's one of the core tenets of crypto that we don't really do a good job communicating.

When we use a bank to do anything in the centralized world we take on them that they do GOOD THINGS with our bank account and our requirements to send and receive funds to other people or businesses.

For instance right now i'm waiting on a bank payment that should have happened on the 21st. Right now, i have no way to track where that is, what it's doing, is it getting put into some kind of compounding account somewhere? why is it not instant? what happens to it, why do i not have control over the speed lanes like in real life driving down a motorway.

Where are my slow, medium and fast lanes of importance, while most countries of course have speed limits on road to make sure we don't all kill ourselves at high speed when it comes to crypto, depending on the amount you might wanna get that balance fast.

It's one of the great things i love about the maths behind crypto and we don't talk about it near enough because it gives the user a level of control we have never had from high street banking -- we can control and track the speed of the transaction.

with more banking and centralized insituations getting hacked on the daily, taking self governance over our perceived value in the world by these little shards of digital value we can start to really deep dig into our involvement in this world of ours.

I don't have to accept the 'defaults' that metamask gives me, i can change that up and if i'm willing to wait, trust in the solid network effect and maths that backs up the network then i'll get my funds, just a little slower, but even then, i know how long it's gonna be! -- we don't get that with banks.

In fact, right now, i don't know where my money is with the bank, at least with crypto i can check a block explorer and see if it's been verified and signed by nodes in the network. It's the black box recorder for the everyday person wanting to store personal value in the digital cloud.

one of the wonderful things about the graphene based blockchains, like blurt, those 3 second transaction times, no cost, no gas needed, just keep some stake, let them RC's build up to allow you to do functions on chain, it's a no brainer!

Alway go where the network is secured, even if you just have to hide out in the corner like you just stepped into the crypto mos eisley cantina!

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