looking forward to upgrading my apple devices

in blurtech •  4 years ago 


Photo by Youssef Sarhan on Unsplash

even thou we get continued news on a daily basis about apple hardware (i'm looking at you T2 chip) and jailbreaking and such like i'd still buy the (overpriced?) iphone over an android phone any day, even thou the 'walled garden' of apple has looked a little shaky these days and it's seemingly more a criminals world every other day -- i'd still buy it.

i remember the days of using tech from ARCHOS back in the day, a little (well relatively then) known company from france making solid looking media devices, i had the AV700 i think it was with a really nice metal body, reasonably good screen and i could carry all my movie and video content with me, it was perfect too for overloading video from my camera into it, i forget if it had a SD slot but i could load things onto it really easily by USB/computer.

These days everything is locked into clouds and requires bandwidth or apple wants you to put them into their file manager in a certain way, looking in remotely however, ios 14 does seem to be a bit more forgiving and i'm really interested in new phones/tablet devices for the ability to go completely remote, mobile, no fixed computer. I'm really looking forward to that adaptation phase.

Also, potentially a linux laptop for the first time that i can run VM's on for different things, maybe a mac partition for some of my fav video editing software and just the notion that loading something up with plenty of memory gives me the ability to do that these days --- containers are really interesting to me.

So yeah, even thou it might have all manner of problems with the never ending battle with security issues, chipsets and supply chain issues, as a media player i don't really like anything else out there on the market -- i find the ipad pro absolutely amazing for all things mobile editing too and i really can't wait to have a well formed, reliable process pipeline mapped out for that.

The blurring of the lines between laptop and tablet and the faster the tech get's, the lower cost of the silicon, the faster the internet connections go and the more freedom to roam through mesh networks the more accessible this digital stuff is gonna feel.

Which brings me to another topic that's on my mind but i'll save that for another day. I just wanted to share how going into 2021 is going to feel more digitally enjoyable with an up to date device, there seems to be so much choice on the market these days but i'd say you have to do a lot more research than ever to get the right equipment.

the older i get the more i want my technology to be more hands off, i know that's a big dream in this ever spiralling world of quality control and corruption but a man can dream right?

Something modular, something open, something secure, solid, fast, reliable, all the things we expect of our technology, transport and interactions with modern day technology driven life. If it only matched up to the expectation eh?

Cheers for Reading,
Humble x

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