exodus has cosmos staking now, not bad 8%, diversify is a good word.

in blurtech •  4 years ago  (edited)

ok, hear me out, i know you can get like 13%+ maybe over on dlease.io with your steem or hive but i do like the idea of having a diversity in portfolio. These days i have to ask myself, am i gonna use this, when will i use it, what will i eventually do with it, am i flipping it, am i applying it, will i get anything from supporting it -- the usual questions.

The Cosmos ecosystem is full of innovative features that place it in a unique spot in the crypto ecosystem. Cosmos ATOM is a proof of stake coin with one of the highest returns of all the staking coins

when you are brave enough to call your project an IoB (internet of blockchains) then you get my attention. right now over on coinmarketcap you are looking at over 6,484 crypto currencies, that's a lot of maintaining wallets, security, lotta research, lotta reading, it's way more than just buying some crypto and hoping to flip for profit.

The main reason why this stood out to me is that exodus, the really sexor, desktop wallet that anyone from pc, mac or linux can install just added support for cosmos and i really like the intergration when it comes to the APR status, they also have tezos and dai in there too so if you are getting into DeFI you can store some main dai if you want to concentrate your crypto in one place -- just remember to backup your seed keys!

i tend to follow digital technologies that 'speak to me' -- cosmos seems like one of those well thought out ideas that makes sense as part of the next generation of the 'piping' that we will need across the whole ecosystem of crypto currency.

you can get the exodus app over here -- https://www.exodus.io/

after a few years of using steem and then briefly hive and seeing the explosion of DEfi projects (potentially leaving behind all blockchains that never got market share over the last few years) i realised that those that are doing quality audience development and outreach are going to be the ones that succeed.

take chainlink for instance, i got in at $9 on that and doubled in like a week but i'll keep that going forward because i truly believe that platforms like chainlink and cosmos have real worldwide, normal techy person utility over having to be too hardcore, they strike a really clever line.

Bit like Aragon (ANT) i got in early on that as well because i originally could'nt find a way to run a decentralized company across the internet using only crypto as it's billing, payment, workers kinda online business.

I had no idea that it would shoot up to nearly $6 so that was quite the surprise because originally i had bought some ANT because i saw myself using the platform. One thing i will say is always try and buy 20-50 of the token when you buy it if your gonna invest in something and it's cheap because it can be a real pain to swap it out otherwise when you want to take gains off the top, i had that with a bunch of others.

compared to something like tron i really do expect cosmos to do really well, it blows my mind that people don't look past the gloss and hype factor of things like tron and do their due dillgence on 'what it actually does' instead of reading up on the "FACT" that they managed to get on uniswap, don't follow buzz even if that coin is up 20% today ;)

I try to purchase things that i can secure, will utilize or can get behind, i might only be a tiny/teeny investor but i'm also saying by doing that 'i want you to succeed' and realise your vision for this token.

Saying that i'm a sucker for legacy too -- my entry point was DASH and LITECOIN and i still very much like them because that was my first crypto transactions, i still very much remember with fondness the CASH/CHING sound when i received my funds in seconds with exodus.

Anyway, just some crypto thoughts!

p.s -- i really like CELSIUS NETWORK as well, check that out, great app, great payouts, especially good if you want to take loans against your crypto assets -- https://celsius.network

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