in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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As the fundamental part of the psychology of human, fear helps us keep safe and avoid calamity. When given room, fear can keep you in perpetual fearfulness. However, to overcome fear, you must dare what you are afraid of. Acknowledge that you are afraid of a particular thing and dare to overcome it.

1 Fear of change.

2 Fear of failure.

3 Fear that you don’t know enough.

4 Fear of the unknown.

5 Fear of committing to business expenses.

6 Fear of taking risks.


1 Fear of change.

Changing the narrative has never been so easy. Our brains are wired to resist change, seeking comfort and security where it is familiar with. Whenever changes come, our brains naturally acts to resist such changes just to keep the status quo. Fear has a way of keeping you in one stagnant position. You have to dare to leave your comfort zone and thrive for a better place. Fear tends to make one over anxious of the future. Learn to step out and believe in your capacity.

You can’t avoid change forever. No matter what stage you’re at with your business, you’ll have to find ways to embrace and harness innovation and advancement. Don't be too comfortable staying in one stage.

2 Fear of failure.

Fear of failure comes due to the anxiety of losing everything and the impending embarrassment upon the failure. A natural man would always fear to be mocked upon when he loses everything due to failure. When failure comes, it is at some point believed that those wk o doubted the business ideas were right, but that's not the case. It however means that enough efforts have not been put in place. When you want to go into what you've never gone into, ensure that you have a plan B and have thoroughly researched about what you want to go into, to ensure a win-win situation. Plan B would help you forge ahead with confidence.

3 Fear that you don’t know enough.

A careful look at it shows that one does not know what he doesn't know. Even as a business leader, you are not expected to know everything, hence the need for hiring of consultants and experts. You need to know that no one knows it all, thus, you too cannot know it all. You need to find out where you're not doing too well and call for help. Seek feedback from others at each step of the way. But don’t allow fear to cause you to constantly second-guess yourself. Be confident in yourself and trust your gut instinct. Believe in your capacity and give room for ideas from others.

4 Fear of the unknown.

The fear of the unknown come with the fear of change. This makes one afraid of handling the possible outcome of daring to try something new. It brings the fear of losing control of everything.

To overcome this fear, you need to understand exactly how your business works and what can possibly become of your business due to the steps you take. With this understanding, you would be more confident that even in the realm of the unknown, you'll get the best.

5 Fear of committing to business expenses.

A lot of new entrepreneurs do have good ideas, develop good business plans, but actually funding the business becomes a difficult decision to make. All these come due to the fear of failure. Too much of negative thoughts can deter one from realizing his dreams. Actually, it is a risk investing in your dreams, but if you're not willing to invest in your dreams, your dreams will forever remain a dream without coming to reality.

6 Fear of taking risks.

Taking risk is not something that to rush into. Entrepreneurs only take calculated risks, not just any risks. You shouldn't be rushed into taking a decision you don't have confidence in. It is expected that you should thoroughly investigate every deals before going into. Calculated risks are key to success. Ask questions and make proper investigation to ensure that any risk you want to take is a win-win one.


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