Some wonderful information about mobile phones!

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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Mobile phone! Mobile phones are one of the best inventions of our time. Now mobile phones have taken the place of computers. Mobile phones are now in the hands of most people in the world. Because now mobile phones have become readily available Mobile phones not only speak but also have more features.

Cameras, videos, video games and much more. That is why after mobile, it has become more popular among the younger generation

These are things we know. But in this article you are going to know some information about mobile phone which you will be forced to be shocked and surprised after knowing.

  1. Martin Cooper, the inventor of the mobile phone, originally took the idea of ​​mobile phone design from his favorite comic book. You liked it a lot. Using radio waves, comics heroes could communicate with one another. He thought to himself, Yes! If only I could really invent a device. At that time it was nothing but a science fiction story

  2. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is known to almost everyone. The number he chose when he first bought the phone was something like 7

In fact, he was forced to change his phone number. Because many types of color calls used to come from his phone number to his phone. The phone cannot be switched off because various important phone calls may be missed. That's why he later changed his phone number.

  1. Google!

This strange thing is spread all over the world. Even inside your phone. However, you will be surprised to know that Google uses the GPS system of Android phones to inform the traffic feed of a certain area. That's why you are surprised to know! Even Google uses a lot more of your phone that you may not know.

  1. Do you know which country teens use the phone the most?

No, not the teenagers of Bangladesh. Rather, teenagers in Japan use the phone the most. And that's why their phones are waterproof. Because Japanese boys and girls talk on the phone or work on the phone while taking a bath.

  1. Do you know when the touchscreen rich phone first came on the market?

You may think that this is only in recent times, that is, in a part of a century.

No, your idea is completely wrong! IBM developed a phone in 1993 that was used only for sending emails. And it was touchscreen rich.

. Can you tell me how many messages are being sent through mobile phones in the world every day? Countless!

But exactly how much? In 2013 alone, the rate of daily messaging was about 9 trillion. If it could be shared among all the people in the world, everyone would have to read more than 1200 messages every day.

. Do you know how much Martin Cooper was when he first invented the phone?

You will be surprised to know that the price of the phones at that time was about 4 thousand US dollars. At present the price of four thousand US dollars is about 3 lakh thirty six thousand rupees. So think about the value of the US dollar at that time!

But now more than 1000 rupees worth of advanced phones are available in the market of Bangladesh

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