PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP) Latest Status

in blurtech •  4 years ago  (edited)

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP)

[EN] The CVP show, with great expectations, performed poorly during the day. Let's see what will happen in the following hours? Do you have a guess? Will Defi projects continue to rise?
[TR]Büyük beklentilerin olduğu CVP defi gün içinde kötü bir performans sergiledi. İlerleyen saatlerde bakalım ne olacak? Bir tahmininiz var mı? Defi projeleri yükselmeye devam eder mi?
[DE]Die CVP-Show schnitt mit großen Erwartungen tagsüber schlecht ab. Mal sehen, was in den nächsten Stunden passieren wird? Hast du eine Vermutung? Werden die Defi-Projekte weiter steigen?
Ranked #286 by market cap
Market cap: 17,955,030 USD
Total volume: 16,629,410 USD
Total supply: 100,000,000 CVP
Circulating supply: 5,050,000 CVP
Price Change
Past hour: +1.12 %
Past day: -14.69 %
Past week: -45.86 %
Data from CoinGecko

[EN]We shared such a post. It also lost -45.86% weekly. Now that's exactly the case:
[TR]Böyle bir post paylaşmıştık. Haftalık -45.86 % değer kaybetmişti üstelik. Şimdi durum tam olarak böyle:
[DE]Wir haben einen solchen Beitrag geteilt. Es verlor auch -45,86% wöchentlich. Genau das ist der Fall:
Ranked #387 by market cap
Market cap: 8,950,204 USD
Total volume: 4,125,322 USD
Total supply: 100,000,000 CVP
Circulating supply: 5,800,000 CVP
Community score: 9.5/100
Liquidity score: 41.3/100
Price in USD
ATH: $17.270000
ATL: $1.2800000
Price in BTC
ATH: ₿0.00144294
ATL: ₿0.00009985
Price change in USD
Past day: +14.02 %
Past month: -17.47 %

Data from CoinGecko

[EN]As you can see, there has been an incredible fall. What do you think about other Defi projects?
[TR]Görüldüğü gibi inanılmaz bir düşüş olmuş. Diğer Defi projeleri için ne düşünüyorsunuz?
[DE]Wie Sie sehen können, gab es einen unglaublichen Sturz. Was denkst du über andere Defi-Projekte?

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