Introducing Digital Dexterity as a change phenomenon for your business

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

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Whats is Digital Dexterity? Digital Dexterity”, a term coined in 2019. Simply, it is the ability to use technology to improve your business.

Achieving Digital Dexterity: It starts with your key assets. A common misconception is that purchasing new technology is the way to achieve digital transformation. The key is actually in acquiring the buy-in from your employees.

The adoption of digital transformation in the business starts with the heart of the business: your people. Spec out your journey. With minimal impact, unpack and assess areas in your business to explore efficiencies through digital transformation. Collaboration with key leaders Another myth is that IT & HR divisions can drive change.

To ensure true digital transformation, we need a collaborative approach, not merely with top management, but also driven by middle management to add different perspectives and views. This allows for robust valued engagement. Most fintechs and organisations have identified this phenomenon and have recoded their legacy business models to allow for technology to take its true form.

Adopting this new approach to digital transformation in small to medium enterprises can make major seismic shifts for the outlook of the business.


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