New CoinMarketCap Campaign: Learn and Earn SAND

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

I was happy to see a post by my friend Nikoleondas a few days ago, where he informed us about the new campaign and included his answers :)

Today I get to participate, check Nikoleonda's answers to see if they are correct ;)) and let you know of the necessary steps to take.

If you are here, you may want to know that there are 2 live campaigns on CoinMarketCap
Learn and Earn Helium
Learn and Earn Orchid

What you need to participate in the CoinMarketCap's Learn and Earn Campaigns?

  • A CoinMarketCap account and a Binance Account!

Create a Binance Account now with this Ref link for a 10% commission for both of us!

( In case you dont have a binance account, feel free to use my ref so that we both get a 10% on commissions! )

Attention You will also need to create a Sandbox account, with same email that is associated with your CoinMarketAccount. Then they will create an in-platform wallet for you.



Let's start!

All Live & Finished Campaigns are here >

Sand Campaign is here >

Checking some statistics :)




Answer: Ethereum


Answer: Playing games


Answer: Stablecoin


Answer: VoxEdit


Answer: All the above

(I missed the screenshot)

Question: What tokens standards do The Sandbox use for its technology?

Answer: All the above


Answer: Integrate them and Publish their game experiences
This question puzzled me and I was watching the videos again and again
I am not sure about response 3, but I excluded the other ones


That was the end!


I cannot guarantee that all the above responses are correct - please do your own research before responding.

About the Account at SandBox

Video 4 takes you to create an account


And there are 3 ways to create your new account


I used the one where the email is the same as the CoinMarketCap, because it required that they were the same.

I did not see somewhere the amount of SAND tokens to be credited, but my friend Nikoleondas mentions 10$ of Sand? I am not sure -

I still have to receive from Helium & Orchid (but they are still live campaigns so I guess I have to wait)


Have you received any amount from CoinMarketCap Earn & Binance?

Do you think it's worth your time learning & earning?

Thank you so much for visiting :)

p.s. Anyone using Coinbase earn? I am stuck at the waitlist for many many months now, even though I am verified on their platform .. Any ideas?

Who am I?

I am Katerina from Crete, Greece. An enthusiastic content creator with a passion for photography. Interested in the blockchain technology, in new social media platforms and in trying to educate new users who wish to explore the blockchain social media world and its possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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