Artificial Intelligence in the prevention and diagnosis of Coronavirus

in blurtech •  4 years ago 

There is no doubt that we are living in difficult times, not only within Steemit but in the world in general. Falling oil prices, stock markets, and the worldwide epidemic that has brought the Coronavirus with it.

There are countries that to a large extent are already overcoming this reality (like China for example), others however are currently in the midst of this harsh epidemic, like Italy and Spain.



How quickly this disease has spread has not allowed the normal, routine checks they use at most airports to do much good.

Even in the laboratories, there is little progress to be made with manual and routine forms of work. In short, it is at these times that technology does its thing and allows all these processes to be improved.

In Latin America the COVID-19 has already arrived in some countries, without deaths or serious people, not for now, specifically in Bogota, capital of Colombia, country where I live, a first case was already diagnosed 4 days ago, a 19 year old girl who came from a trip through some European countries, including Italy, yesterday two more cases were diagnosed in Medellin, the second most important city of this country . I ask myself: are we really doing what is necessary to prevent the entry of more infected people with better controls in the different airports, ports, etc?

This worries me a little, considering the current conditions in Spain and Italy.

However, there is currently a lot of information that has been gathered with the experience in other countries and it is logical to think that the best way to face this situation and be able to process it faster is with the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA).
Considering that there are special machines that have been developed in some countries for rapid processing, these should already be in the nations that have not had outbreaks of COVID-19 (such as Venezuela) or that have few of them as in the case of Colombia.

For example, the Bolivian government is testing machines at its main airport that are subsidized by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Bank and use artificial intelligence to detect possible cases of coronavirus. **This is an effective action of the technology in the benefit of the Humanity.

These machines were created in Sweden, and went through an adaptation process in Bolivia to be used in their context. If this works as expected, once the tests are concluded, they will install these devices in the different borders with Brazil, Chile and Peru.

They did not reveal specific data regarding the functioning of the devices, but the Minister of Public Works of that country, Iván Arias, limited himself to say that it is the use of Artificial Intelligence, the processing of a large amount of data that they are going to test in the detection of possible cases of coronavirus.

I would also like to point out that Alibaba, a giant of the Chinese trade, has created a diagnostic algorithm to train a processor with artificial intelligence in which I include about 5000 tomographies of infected patients (confirmed) and compare them with tomographies of possible cases having a success rate of up to 96% in the diagnoses and not only that, but it is capable of doing it in 20 seconds. when an experienced radiologist can take up to 20 minutes to achieve a diagnosis.

Another breakthrough, no doubt.

I will be watching the results of this test at the Airport, if it is positive, (and I hope so), it would be another great achievement in the use of Artificial Intelligence.

I'll keep a close eye on everything that's going on. For reading me, thank you very much.


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